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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to pam.
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[QUOTE="pam:958642"][QUOTE="SkinSandwich:958403"][QUOTE="f*ck!?:958399"]Thanks for the advice Pam We're not married and I'm moving out and basically letting her keep everything. I think she's implying she'll get more than the 25% of my check child support. She's definateley not as laid back as you seem to me. I'm moving out because she fights with me in front of my 17 month year old daughter and calls me names in front of her. I've had enough. I think she may be too young to shuttle around and be taken out of her element(her home, her crib, etc) I agree with that. I may spend everyother weekend over the moms house while she takes off for the weekend. But down the line I'd like to have some form of custody with her. She's completely alienated by my family and is willing to take me to court if I bring her to my family. She tells me the can come see her but not vice versa I actually feel quite liberated. I'm moving this Saturday and there's nothing this bitch can do about it. I'm done with the BS [/QUOTE] DUMB! You DO NOT wait until down the line to get some sort of custody agreement. you do that now because if you try later the courts will say "why did you not do this sooner". This will be better for you now. save yourself the massive hassle you will endure later. heed this warning man.[/QUOTE] Backing this ^. She sounds like an abusive cunt and no one you want to leave any open holes with. Go to the local court TOMORROW and file for joint custody. If you go before a judge and say "look, I'm fine with paying support but I want rights to my daughter...and she is telling me my daughter can't see my family. That isn't right." you will.get.rights. Leave this shit to her dude and I'm telling you, she'll do more damage than you think. Nothing turns a judges favor to the mom like a dad's inaction. Seriously, you obviously love your kid...don't make the same mistake everyone does. Weekends are a great bargain for mom, too. That might help bring her to the table with joint custody. No single mom can refuse two days off. If she gets mad about the custody just insist you only want to be involved in your child's life and then walk away/hang up. Hope it works out better than it sounds like it will. [/QUOTE]
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