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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to deathtodramaqueens.
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[QUOTE="deathtodramaqueens:76560"]Wow i hate to stoop down to your teenybopper level by even responding to you little gossip column but nick you are one sad fuck...everybody just look at this this piece of fat shit got kicked out of this band and lies about it... who is more pathetic, how sad is that seriously?! who the fuck makes a website dedicated to making fun of a band that you were just kicked out of how fuckin preschool is that cant handle the fact that you suck?! but yet we are Onlinethugs?!!!LOOK WHAT YOU JUST FUCKIN POSTED! i dont recall any of that shit happening hahahahahahahahaah especially the part where you said fight me??!by the way there were a couple people upstairs when you came down to hear what was going on ...which was nothing but you kissing chris's ass..and shittin twinkies are you fuckin serious chris would have fuckin took your fat immigrant ass send you back to new zealand this is america you dont like it get the fuck out...trendy hairmetal where the fuck you get the from faggot..i guess if you wanna call nile hairmetal.. the shit you listen to is the most trendy shit ever what the fuck are you talking about you are the shittiest bass player you cant do shit you didnt learn shit we all heard you TRY! to play the originals but fuckin slopped all over them like a pig rolling around in diareahh especially the easiest riffs you couldnt do it!.... we dont know how to go about practice?? remember you had weeks to learn one easy fuckin original, what did you say when you fucked up "thought i could slip that by you" but i made some pointless stickers!! now thats what i call a good bass player hahahaha what the fuck??!! isnt that what practice is you homo?! lyric writing is horrible!! sorry its not the emo shit in your profile about killing yourself and how you cry yourself to sleep or your jonathan davis sounding poems...do it...please... get it over with... people could breathe better without your fat fuckin ass......your lyric writing remember you tried to make them intentionally so people could not understand them at all...........yea thats what i call great lyric writing dumbass lets go into theasaurus and change around every fuckin word so i can cover up how fuckin retarted i am..you can try all you want to make up lies and try to make us look bad by saying dont play with them when we already have a full band or making fun of one of the guitarist girlfreinds because im sure people really fuckin care about the bandmates personal life!but in the long run your fuckin bandless because you suck how pathetic is it that you take our old band name that we came up with before we got you then go "haha i got your band name!!!" oh fuckin no nick not that you retarded dickhog! also if you wanna make fun of bands like korn then it would be wise you stop listening ot flaw, ill nino and professional murder music...and with the grind thing get your music fuckin straight man youd call system of a down or garth brooks grind and at least chris has a fuckin girlfriend..could you try not to sound tough with your long dramatic scene about killing chris thats so gay you went that long with it.... by the way the people you claim to know and shit i talked to them they all fuckin hate you...we didnt steal your shitty equipment if you wanna call it that with the pointless shit you brought like things as gay as penil sharpeners and staples and nipple clamps..to sum it up im just sure you made yourself look like a complete 4 year old bicth that couldnt handle the fact he got booted and hurt yourself more... by the way be expecting a visit soon...well see how tough you are then bitch...[/QUOTE]
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