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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Niccolai.
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[QUOTE="Niccolai:76571"]Ha booted? XCANIBALISMx (4:12:32 PM): tell me, when are you comin to get your stuff thats what you away message said (I apologize if you don't understand this neanderthal's spelling) I seem to remember being the one saying I was sick of you and his shit and saying I wanted to pickup my stuff and every single time I did you hid from the phone or picked it up and hung up like a fourteen year old girl, and he's telling ME to grow up. let's not even talk about maturity. I quit. Hell I even still have the conversation logged in AIM+ I'm sure. I call system of a down grind? Emo lyrics in my profile about how I want to kill myself? who's fucking profile are you reading? Ashleys? all the people I'claim to know' hate me huh? I like for you to name a few. hell, your the one who talks repetatively about the endless connections you have with paul. if any of that were true, the PA would have worked, been over 100watts, and we would have had a basement built by now. Your telling me to get my facts straight but your entire post is a rant of over dramatic lies. I've never met a more dramatic group of idiots in my life. Hey mark, whats a drum rack? Quit now, you don't have the intelect or drive to succeed. Maybe you could get a job masterbating on guys laps in school? you seem to enjoy that. queer? Just face it, no one likes you guys. The 'stupid Nigger' from In my sorrow makes fun of you all for being trendy. Even The Emergency guns (an extreemly gay ska band) make fun of you for christs sake. This visit better be extreemly soon, seeing as the two of you will probably never go to another show again for the rest of your natral lives, and assuoiming you would you'd just stand by the exit with your arms crossed looking tough and listening to Chris say over and over again how he is going to punch Aron in the fact for taking pictures over his oily head. I mean honestly, what are you going to do? you guys rant over and over about how your going to steel James's shit and not give it back and even if he comes to get it you'll fight him, than Chris goes out of his way to IM him and tell him to come get it. I guess if empty words and unbacked threats makes someone tough, you guys are unstoppable. I look forward to pounding your face into silly putty.[/QUOTE]
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