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Weeeee'rreeeee back

[Mar 27,2004 4:44pm - theundergroundscene ""]
The only thing not working on the site right now is the message board and I can't upload pictures or interviews yet, but everything should work by Monday, so keep your eyes on the lookout for over 15 shows worth of pictures going up this week :p

[Mar 27,2004 4:44pm - succubus ""]

[Mar 27,2004 4:45pm - succubus ""]
i forgot to say "linkified!"
[Mar 27,2004 4:48pm - the_reverend ""]
how come every single picture says "new"?
[Mar 27,2004 4:48pm - the_reverend ""]
Theundergroundscene.net Forums « An Error Has Occured! »
An Error Has Occured!
103 An Error Has Occured!: Unable to open 1079411460.data
[Mar 27,2004 6:03pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Well I did say the message board was NOT working genius!!

Also, all the pictures say new because we switched servers, so the softwear recognizes it as new. Ok, I made that up, I have no fucking clue...
[Mar 28,2004 3:53am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Ignore Aaron and wear a funny hat.
[Mar 28,2004 8:45am - theundergroundscene ""]
I usually do Probably on both :/
[Mar 28,2004 5:19pm - blue ""]
are sick as sin photos going to be up soon?
[Mar 29,2004 12:48am - theundergroundscene ""]
Yeah I will probably do those first. All the server issues should be completey done and over with tomorrow (I hope!!)

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