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90 percent of U.S. bills carry traces of cocaine

[Aug 17,2009 4:05pm - the_reverend ""]

excuse me mr horror. what do you know about this?
[Aug 17,2009 4:06pm - reimroc ""]
[Aug 17,2009 4:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
100% of US Dollars are worth 94% of the what they should be.
[Aug 17,2009 4:07pm - RichHorror ""]
I just had a memory because of this thread. On tour somewhere in NJ, I believe. I ran into a gas station/convenience store to get a Gatorade. It was in the middle of nowhere. I went through my wallet to get a five dollar bill and the lady behind the counter made a comment about the hundred dollar bill I took out. I said 'Don't worry, it's just for snorting cocaine'.
[Aug 17,2009 4:10pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
i do cocaine in my eyes
[Aug 17,2009 4:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
this fact is as old as the internet.

[Aug 18,2009 8:47am - ouchdrummer ""]
they also almost all contain feces.. and that fact is also very old.
[Aug 18,2009 9:03am - SkinSandwich ""]
Who is wiping their ass neck with cash? Donald Trump?
[Aug 18,2009 9:05am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
if i had trumps money i'd whipe my ass with it too

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