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Bill O Reilly has sand in his vagina because of Jon Stewart

[Aug 22,2009 1:06pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

[Aug 22,2009 1:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ORLY on ORLY action right there
[Aug 22,2009 4:27pm - the_reverend ""]
it's funny cause stewart "oh snaps" o'reilly by showing clips of him. then oreilly tries to play clips of stewart's full videos and they still hold up stewarts points. no "oh snap" on bill's side.
[Aug 22,2009 4:34pm - quintessence ""]
That man is the king of smug pricks.
[Aug 22,2009 5:05pm - sxealex ""]
i hate fox so much bill oreilly pisses me off the least of those stupid bitches on the "real" news
[Aug 22,2009 6:48pm - sli sli sli  ""]
the funny part was when he was trying to imply that the daily show has a liberal slant as if that wasnt already pretty well established, while "fair and balanced" fox news is always trying to deny their obvious right wing agenda
[Aug 22,2009 7:07pm - Hoser ""]
Liberals make me LOL a LOT. They are like retarded kids that don't know they're retarded. "The red ball goes in the RED hole, Johnny...not the blue one." "Johnny, blue is NOT red ok? Johnny, what's wrong with you?"

It's like teaching a dog to shit in a litter box.
[Aug 22,2009 7:09pm - mortalis ""]

Hoser said:Liberals make me LOL a LOT. They are like retarded kids that don't know they're retarded. "The red ball goes in the RED hole, Johnny...not the blue one." "Johnny, blue is NOT red ok? Johnny, what's wrong with you?"

It's like teaching a dog to shit in a litter box.

brilliant analysis
[Aug 22,2009 7:14pm - Hoser ""]
Thanks Pal...I'll be here all night.
[Aug 22,2009 7:31pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 22,2009 7:34pm - Hoser ""]
Sorry...but they are like a wart on the asshole of America. And, they're typically a sensitive species...you know, cry like babies on a whim, write emo music, have plugs in their ears...
[Aug 22,2009 8:26pm - DYA NLI W/ LIBRULS  ""]
[Aug 22,2009 10:16pm - neverpurified ""]


I always found that whole aspect of replacing "French" with "freedom"

With that logic:

we hate France
we replace the word "French" with "Freedom"
people who do this hate France
because "freedom" is in place of "french" freedom stands for France
so does that mean those people hate freedom?
[Aug 23,2009 12:30am - the_reverend ""]
you know why bill did this? he would not usually, but e did it this time because the daily show is off the air for 3 weeks and stewart won't be attacking back.
[Aug 23,2009 10:14am - neverpurified ""]
I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart attacked him back anyways when he gets back on the air, out of spite
[Aug 23,2009 10:48am - sli sli sli  ""]

the_reverend said:[img]

mallard fillmore?
[Aug 23,2009 11:46am - the_reverend ""]

neverpurified said:I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart attacked him back anyways when he gets back on the air, out of spite
you mean mutual respect.
[Aug 23,2009 6:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
LOL @ Stewart calling the waaambulance.

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