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still need a 2nd guitarist

[Sep 20,2009 2:21pm - PappasGRIND ""]
were still looking for a 2nd guitarist. pref. a 7 string abuser. we practice in manchganastan. we got 2 songs so far and are working on the 3rd starting today. music is kindda hard to explain, its like beneath the massacre:pukeface: psyopus:pukeface: and primus:pukeface:. if your interested email me at pappasgrind@aol.com
[Sep 20,2009 2:25pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Can't do it, watching the Pats game.
[Sep 20,2009 2:26pm - PappasGRIND ""]
i think were going in around 7ish

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