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We need shows in MA

[Mar 31,2004 2:44pm - xModelxEighteenx ""]
check out our mp3's at

if you or anyone you know books, please get in contact with us

thanks for your time, looking forward to playing some more shows up there
[Mar 31,2004 2:55pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
you arent gonna get any shows in MA with that gay name.
[Mar 31,2004 3:00pm - morkul ""]
[Mar 31,2004 3:06pm - Abbath ""]
so brutal...yet so beautiful at the same time...
[Mar 31,2004 3:14pm - xModelxEighteenx ""]
warmest welcome ever. thanks for the help
[Mar 31,2004 3:15pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
no problem ^_^
[Mar 31,2004 3:16pm - morkul ""]
How sweet. I think you made a friend.
[Mar 31,2004 3:24pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:you arent gonna get any shows in MA with that gay name.

Meet Spauling, he is part of the RTTP welcoming comitee

[Mar 31,2004 3:35pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
*tips hat*
[Mar 31,2004 3:53pm - the_reverend ""]
maybe choco-cat or 5234~@!\'\'1\'123123!!!!!11!1 knows where da shows at
[Mar 31,2004 4:07pm - succubus ""]

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