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Oct 21 (Wed) - Halfhearted Comeback, Then Came the Plauge, Hope Lane is a Dead end, exiting the fall, Last run, A wanted awakening, xquicksilverx, A Hero a Fake, Modern day escape - Lynn Arts (Lynn, MA)

My band is playing this show. Oct 21 Lynn Arts center, Lynn MA.

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Oct 9,2009 9:25pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Who let the tough guys on the top into this flier?
This show is on a Wednesday.

Which one of you is


[Oct 9,2009 9:34pm - Arist ""]
They have nice hair
[Oct 11,2009 6:07pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Oct 15,2009 11:30am - Eli_hhcb ""]
Does anyone know anything about any of these bands?
[Oct 17,2009 12:17pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Oct 17,2009 12:24pm - the_reverend ""]
xquicksilverx is a industrialish sounding guy with a drum machine.
hope lane is a dead end has members of some other band that I forget, but they are pretty good.
[Oct 20,2009 11:11am - Eli_hhcb ""]

[Oct 20,2009 12:50pm - archaeon ""]
this venue is kind of gay.
[Oct 20,2009 1:39pm - sever ""]

archaeon said:this venue is kind of gay.

really? I can think of gayer places than this.
[Oct 20,2009 10:54pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Oct 21,2009 12:25am - Archaeon ""]

sever said:
archaeon said:this venue is kind of gay.

really? I can think of gayer places than this.

That is true. The first show my gay band played there was a very bad experience so maybe im a little bias.

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