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new Blessed Offal tracks

[Oct 14,2009 8:22pm - trioxin245 ""]
2 new umixed demo-versions of upcoming EP are up. i will post some album songs as soon as marcus gets them up there.

[Oct 14,2009 11:45pm - trioxin245 ""]
epic lack of interest fail
[Oct 15,2009 12:02am - ArilliusBM ""]
I dig this
[Oct 15,2009 12:07am - ArilliusBM ""]
killer atmosphere
[Oct 15,2009 9:02am - infect sli sli sli  ""]

ArilliusBM said:killer atmosphere

*euphemism for bad recording hahahah
[Oct 15,2009 9:05am - the_reverend ""]
way to mark this news.
[Oct 15,2009 9:08am - arktouros ""]
As much as I hate when bands post "unmixed demo tracks" you guys are good. Put at least some effort into the sound and I'll buy it.
[Oct 15,2009 9:10am - MikeOv  ""]
Band sounds very heavy live.
[Oct 15,2009 9:12am - arktouros ""]
I can tell...I mean I actually listened to the entire demo, haha. Sucks their next show is in NJ...
[Oct 15,2009 9:20am - MikeOv  ""]
These guys are definitely writing the most quality death metal within New England. I'm of the opinion that Blessed Offal are at their best when they slow things down.
[Oct 15,2009 9:25am - arilliusbm ""]

arktouros said:As much as I hate when bands post "unmixed demo tracks" you guys are good. Put at least some effort into the sound and I'll buy it.

So you don't really like anything with rough production at all? Or just when bands post that kind of stuff?
I prefer gritty production for this style over well-produced stuff any day.
[Oct 15,2009 9:48am - arktouros ""]
I don't mind rough production. Some of my favorite albums of all time have terrible production (Bathory, Alters of Madness, etc...) and keep in mind dude there's not a day when I don't listen to black metal of any kind. But there's a difference between when a band puts a couple mics in the practice room and tries to pass it off as "hey guys our new recording is better than other rehersal recordings" rather than a fine-tuned attention to detail where even if a band has a very low-fi sound it becomes unique and adds to the listening experience.

Not to say that Blessed Offal has no attention to detail - but I can't see why a band doesn't just wait and spend the time to make a recording their own before they just post a song for the sake of putting more material on their Myspace.

Either way it fucking rocks and you just sold me a ticket to your next show in the area.
[Oct 15,2009 9:49am - sli sli sli  ""]
trust me these tracks will receive much more "effort" before they are officially released we just wanted to have some sort of promo to give out at njdf and the old demo is ...old

P.S. ross, if you are reading this, check your mail, i sent the album tracks this morning
[Oct 15,2009 9:50am - arilliusbm ""]
Word. one of my friends will only listen to stuff that was produced in a studio. He can't stand anything DIY or recorded on a 4 track etc.
Transylvanian Hunger? Shit's thrown in the garbage at his house
[Oct 15,2009 10:03am - arktouros ""]

sli%20sli%20sli said:trust me these tracks will receive much more "effort" before they are officially released we just wanted to have some sort of promo to give out at njdf and the old demo is ...old

Yeh..the rush to put something up before a show, we did the same thing so I shouldn't say shit. Not like your style should be produced much anyway...as long as you can play it loud.
[Oct 15,2009 2:38pm - trioxin245 ""]

arktouros said:As much as I hate when bands post "unmixed demo tracks" you guys are good. Put at least some effort into the sound and I'll buy it.

we mainly did this so that we could at least have some sort of semi-finished recording ready for new jersey death fest.

EDIT: just uploaded 2 unmixed tracks from upcoming album as well
[Oct 15,2009 2:39pm - RichHorror ""]

MikeOv said:I'm of the opinion that Blessed Offal are at their best when they slow things down.
[Oct 15,2009 2:42pm - trioxin245 ""]

MikeOv said:These guys are definitely writing the most quality death metal within New England. I'm of the opinion that Blessed Offal are at their best when they slow things down.

while i appreciate this comment, we also dont want to be one of the maaaaaaaany bands whose blast beats are just filler in between "breakdowns"
[Oct 15,2009 2:42pm - KPanzer  ""]
Hail to Ross The Boss, Slar Slar & Hollywood. When Marcus shuts his mouth look at all the great music he writes.Good luck in Doity Joisey brothers.
[Oct 15,2009 2:54pm - MikeOv  ""]

trioxin245 said:
MikeOv said:These guys are definitely writing the most quality death metal within New England. I'm of the opinion that Blessed Offal are at their best when they slow things down.

while i appreciate this comment, we also dont want to be one of the maaaaaaaany bands whose blast beats are just filler in between "breakdowns"

That's key, because a lot of bands will rely heavily upon endless blast sections to make up for their lack of songwriting. Blasting in DM is essential, but everything should be varied and well placed. The slow parts in your songs have that old school DM / Doom feel, which seems to be lacking around these parts.
[Oct 15,2009 3:42pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Me likey. More Satanisms please
[Oct 15,2009 4:55pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

see y'all in Jersey
[Oct 15,2009 11:06pm - trioxin245 ""]
ok this is ridiculous, but we re-uploaded all 4 tracks with better sound, so if you care, re-check them out.
[Oct 15,2009 11:37pm - inject-now-nli  ""]
ross, you are a fucking savage khed

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