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Revocation: Last-minute tour dates + Canada shows announced

[Oct 15,2009 5:37pm - rbss  ""]
Revocation just got added to some select dates on the Moonspell/Divine Heresy/Secrets of the Moon tour starting tomorrow night:

Oct 16 2009 Jaxx Springfield, Virginia
Oct 17 2009 The Sterling Hotel Allentown, Pennsylvania
Oct 18 2009 B.B. King’s Blues Club New York, New York


Then next weekend we'll be in NY again for a CMJ showcase show:

Oct 23 2009 Fontana’s New York, New York



And there will also be a brief Canadian run at the end of November.

Nov 27 2009 The Underworld Montreal, Quebec
Nov 28 2009 Cafe Dekcuf Ottawa, Ontario
Nov 29 2009 WreckRoom Toronto, Ontario


A couple more sweet US shows will be announced shortly.
[Oct 15,2009 5:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 15,2009 5:53pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Bitchin. Knock em dead, kids. Knock em dead.
[Oct 15,2009 6:09pm - Archaeon ""]
Nashville or bust
[Oct 15,2009 6:44pm - tylor ""]
damn, those nyc dates have RULE written all over them
[Oct 15,2009 11:46pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Did someone get High Life sponsorship? Because I tried that, and they wanted nothing to do with us. just curious.
[Oct 17,2009 7:51pm - BSV  ""]
the load in at Underworld sucks! but it's a block away from fou's. pumped to see you guys are going up there, been preaching about ya'll up north for 5 years now!
[Oct 18,2009 7:57am - fishcakes ""]
you guys deserve this shit.
[Oct 20,2009 12:46am - s.axl.beckett  ""]
[Oct 20,2009 2:42am - mortalis nli  ""]
i could have actually gone to the jaxx show. fuck me for not being on top of things.
[Oct 23,2009 1:11pm - rbss  ""]
Just wanted to bump this because the NY show with Misery Index is tonight, woo

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