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Tuesday 10/20/09 @ the Model

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Oct 20,2009 2:46am - love_is_a_fist ""]
I'll be DJing metal and punk at the Model Cafe in Allston all night (11pm-2am) come by, it's free and drinks are cheap!
[Oct 20,2009 3:17am - the_reverend ""]
I would love too if I didn't have my radio show tonight and will be wicked tired tomorrow.
[Oct 20,2009 11:32am - love_is_a_fist ""]
It's cool rev, this isn't the only time I'll be doing this! Anyone in the area should totally come out though!
[Oct 20,2009 12:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
is it close to the sound museum on n beacon?
[Oct 20,2009 12:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Non-ironically play Havohej's "Dethrone The Son Of God" or you're a pussy
[Oct 20,2009 12:32pm - xmikex ""]
The Model huh?

Do I have time to buy a new mesh cap???
[Oct 20,2009 12:41pm - quintessence ""]
hahahha, nothing like drunkenly stumbling to the model after a o'briens show and pissing off hipster faggots, then stealing there girlfriends and leaving them in allston somewhere after morally corrupting them.
[Oct 20,2009 12:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
now THAT sounds like a good time
[Oct 20,2009 12:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
I've never been to the model. always avoided it. shall I go there sometime and troll people in real life?
[Oct 20,2009 12:47pm - MikeOv  ""]
::simply shakes head::
[Oct 20,2009 12:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha wear a ski mask and name tag that says "Hi My Name is anonymous"
[Oct 20,2009 12:51pm - MikeOv  ""]
and I was shaking my head about allston rock city, Jim, not you.
[Oct 20,2009 12:58pm - quintessence ""]
Boston really needs a nice little metal/punk bar hangout that people actually go to when there isnt a show.
[Oct 20,2009 12:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
boston needs a lot of things.
[Oct 20,2009 1:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this town neeeeeds an enema
[Oct 20,2009 3:21pm - love_is_a_fist ""]
It's much closer to Twin Donuts and Grasshopper, 7 North Beacon. The place is fun when either Jay from Deathamphetamine or I DJ but otherwise its usually overrun with hipsters like most Allston non-brodude bars.
[Oct 20,2009 7:59pm - love_is_a_fist ""]

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