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Crabcore Pioneer Quits Attack Attack!

[Oct 21,2009 8:21pm - the_reverend ""]
Nick Barham, frontman for crabcore pioneers ATTACK ATTACK!, has quit the band. Scene kids from Albuquerque to Yonkers must be really distraught over this revelation!

If you aren’t familiar with the Ohio band’s music yet, check out the video below and get yourself acquainted with their crabcore stylings.

source: smnnews but the site is down for me.

[Oct 21,2009 8:22pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 21,2009 8:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just shed a single tear.
[Oct 21,2009 8:23pm - oscarct ""]
I thought they were all the same dude at first
[Oct 21,2009 8:24pm - ZenErik ""]
[Oct 21,2009 8:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm going to have to donate my slip-ons to the Salvation army now. Shit's useless. Time to comb my bangs back too. My idol
[Oct 21,2009 8:40pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope their bus flips and they're all vegetables. Side order of AIDS for the quitter.
[Oct 21,2009 8:42pm - goatcatalyst ""]
PS fag rangoons
[Oct 21,2009 10:57pm - xanonymousx ""]
" For the most part, Crabcore is an offshoot of Christcore, with similar hairstyles, v-necks, tight pants and religious beliefs. It appears the only difference between the two (besides excessive vocoder usage, eurodance beats and unnecessary breakdowns every 30 seconds) is that followers of the crabcore persuasion will squat like a girl taking a piss in the woods during their power stances.

Much like the locomotion, macarena, watusi, cabbage patch, mashed potato, and even the urkel, the crabcore craze will be over sooner than it started. Ripped denim crotches everywhere are thankful."
[Oct 21,2009 11:00pm - PANT3RA4EVA  ""]
no way cuz they were gonna be my 6t fav
[Oct 21,2009 11:37pm - CassieLynn ""]
He probably finally saw the light
[Oct 22,2009 1:16am - NLI  ""]
Jogging in place is the new headbanging.
[Oct 22,2009 1:22am - archaeon ""]
I have no point to live anymoar
[Oct 22,2009 1:29am - NLI  ""]

[Oct 22,2009 2:34am - love_is_a_fist ""]
holy shit @ that commercial
[Oct 22,2009 2:38am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Oct 22,2009 11:43am - brodown ""]
WOW that commercial is fucked
[Oct 22,2009 1:55pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
they can probably ask one of the old singers of vanna or something
[Oct 22,2009 3:57pm - oscarct ""]

NLI said:

I heard this on opie and anthony a while back
[Oct 22,2009 4:19pm - the_reverend ""]
you think that the guy who suggested to these guys that standing like a crab would be a good idea will ever get work again?
[Oct 22,2009 4:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I also blame underoath for all of this.
[Oct 22,2009 4:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I would also like to point out something.

from this thread

the_reverend said:could someone tell me what the electronic + screamo was? I think I could get gay for that.

tybjoshamo said:hey man the electronic + screamo was a band called attack attack and the song they played is called stick stickly.

what did you think of the yueh betrayal?

[Oct 22,2009 4:26pm - Attack is whack  ""]
[Oct 22,2009 4:27pm - the_reverend ""]
idk who that is... maybe that is why he or she wore a mask?
[Oct 22,2009 4:37pm - archaeon ""]

Attack%20is%20whack said:[img]

I've been thinking that for a while, Paul Proteus was doing this way before Attack Attack was popular. Crabking
[Oct 22,2009 5:08pm - RustyPS ""]
[Oct 22,2009 5:10pm - afeministwoman  ""]
[Oct 23,2009 7:33pm - PANT3RA4EVA  ""]
this is all just too upsetting
[Oct 23,2009 8:23pm - fuck logging in  ""]
metal with autotune needs to end
[Oct 24,2009 2:50am - immortal13 ""]
Wait...that's metal?

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