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11/15 "Hope You like Pop Punk" Fest w/ Man Overboard, Half Hearted Hero, Transit, Late Nite Wars, Such Gold, Borderland, and lots more!

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Oct 30,2009 7:18pm - keynotecompany ""]

"I Hope You Like Pop Punk Fest" / Vegas' Birthday Bash

Man Overboard (NJ)
Half Hearted Hero
Such Gold (NY)
Late Nite Wars
The Hideout
At Least For Tonight
more TBA

3057 Acushnet Ave.
New Bedford, MA

2:00 PM - $10 - All Ages

*Note: The show is taking place in a different room than previous shows you may have been too.*

If anyone outside MA/RI wants to make the trip and come out to this, then just send me a PM and I'll hook you up!
[Oct 30,2009 9:13pm - archaeon ""]
I would be at this if i wasn't in nashville. boo.
[Oct 31,2009 12:43am - keynotecompany nli  ""]
184 views? lol wow.
[Oct 31,2009 1:14am - Archaeon ""]
Wheres the hate?
[Oct 31,2009 1:29am - the_reverend ""]
out of all these bands, transit is my favorite.
[Nov 1,2009 5:16pm - keynotecompany ""]
Definitely expected lots of hate on this haha.
Rev any chance you would come down for it?
[Nov 2,2009 7:59pm - keynotecompany ""]
[Nov 3,2009 8:18pm - keynotecompany ""]
[Nov 3,2009 9:16pm - Archaeon ""]
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on this board who would go to this.
[Nov 3,2009 10:45pm - the_reverend ""]

keynotecompany said:Definitely expected lots of hate on this haha.
Rev any chance you would come down for it?

I'm sure i wont be going to a show that weekend.
[Nov 3,2009 10:55pm - keynotecompany ""]

Archaeon said:I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on this board who would go to this.

Yeah, but a ton of lurkers are viewing the thread or something.
IDK it's whatever, just like to promote what I can.
[Nov 3,2009 11:14pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
i like to keep my finger on the pulse of half hearted hero.
[Nov 12,2009 10:28pm - keynotecompany ""]
show is at 3PM now.
here's the flier for the lurkers haha.

[Nov 15,2009 8:12am - keynotecompany ""]
last bump. 3pm today.

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