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Upcoming Pathogenic Shows - Tonight through November 7th

[Oct 31,2009 1:21pm - sever ""]
Tonight in Southbridge:


November 5th at UML Cumnock Hall:

ASB Fundraiser show:
The Saints Runaway
Red Wagon
Life on Hold

November 6th in Manchvegas:


November 7th in Allston (message for address, it's a basement show!):

[Nov 1,2009 6:51pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
you guys played last night and had super phatty beats.
[Nov 1,2009 7:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
listening right now. oodles of brootles
[Nov 1,2009 7:08pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I hadn't heard until live last night.


PS I was the guy that was in your way, blazed and talking about guitars when you were trying to load off the stage.
[Nov 1,2009 7:28pm - immortal13 ""]
Can't wait til the 6th yo!
[Nov 2,2009 12:05am - sever ""]
I dont remember anyone being in our way or talking about guitars or anything but then again I was being a pussydoodle didn't help a whole lot with the load out.

the 6th is gonna be brewtal.
[Nov 4,2009 5:26pm - sever ""]
TOMORROW! We're playing in lowell. It's free and you suck large hairy wang if you don't go.
[Nov 5,2009 7:39am - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
Lowell? Free? Down the street from my crib? I'm there.
[Nov 5,2009 1:56pm - sever ""]
annnnd I got sick and lost my voice. fuck.
[Nov 5,2009 3:07pm - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
Are you guys not playing then?
[Nov 5,2009 3:48pm - sever ""]
if worse comes to worse pete can fill in for my parts. im sure we'll still play.
[Nov 5,2009 8:06pm - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
Mother fucker. This place sucks.
[Nov 6,2009 3:32am - CROTCH CRICKETS  ""]
*cheep cheep*
[Nov 7,2009 12:48pm - sever ""]
basement show tonight. I'm still sick but gonna try doing vocals tonight. go go go go go go panzerfart shitbrick niggarlace poon
[Nov 7,2009 4:12pm - immortal13 ""]
Pete did pretty good at filling in yesterday.
[Nov 7,2009 5:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I should have planned to shoot this in allston too.
[Nov 8,2009 11:07am - sever ""]
the basement show last night was insane amounts of fun. you missed a good time. :(

i dont know the specifics but if you want to come out later this month, we're playing on the 17th with within the ruins.

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