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Grendel's Grab Bag

[Nov 1,2009 6:49pm - Grendels Grab bag  ""]
Grendel's Grab Bag
[Nov 1,2009 6:51pm - Grendels Grab bag  ""]
Trick O tReAt
[Nov 1,2009 6:52pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Nov 2,2009 9:47am - dreadkill ""]
grab grendel's grundle
[Nov 2,2009 12:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Now, this is the Grendel"s grab bag NOT ON RELAPSE, right?
[Nov 2,2009 1:33pm - brundlefly  ""]
Fuck you!
[Feb 15,2011 1:02am - Alx_Casket ""]
I just realized that this Grendel released another album last year, gotta check it out. Their first release was great.

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