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CD sales down for the 4th straight year in a row

[Apr 8,2004 1:28pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Primarily blamed on CD swapping and MP3 downloading/piracy etc.

I do think these hubs where you can upload and download entire albums is definately hurting sales and in my opinion people who download something and really like it should go and buy it, I think the majors are not taking into consideration that they are releasing nothing but junk music into the mainstream and that definately is hurting sales.

Other peoples opinions?
[Apr 8,2004 1:30pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
if i d/l something and like it, i'll buy it, but there's not a lot of good stuff coming out to buy. i've mostly bought older CD's that i haven't added to my library yet.
[Apr 8,2004 1:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah, but when the labels are trying to push stuff like Disturbed, Britney Spears and The White Stripes, and then tons of bands who are just totally ripping off those acts, common sense makes it seem like sales wouldn't be as good as the previous trend of Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam and all that stuff which didn't rip each other off so blatantly.

See what I mean?
[Apr 8,2004 1:35pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
yes, i see and i agree. especially 'cos it seems that kids aren't really into that stuff as much as it seems. my cousin is 16 and listens to a lot of black metal and is always looking for something new and different and far far different from the shit the radio is playing. you hear one disturbed song, you've heard 'em all and then some.
[Apr 8,2004 1:35pm - davyp ""]
CD sales suck for a couple of reasons.... yes 1) there is so much mainstream music that sounds the same and people are getting tired of buying the same cd over and over, or at least i am.... 2) Cd stores dont have a big enough seleection and cause poeple to go to there computer and down load shit.... 3) plus buying a full album online is way cheaper. on average $10 an album, no shit.. why buy the album at the store $15-$20 when you can down load it at half the time and then pay a quick 10 spot... sounds good to me..... also these sales are probably bassed on the mainstream market and and like i said..... see #1... those are my oppinions
[Apr 8,2004 1:38pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the sales reports are based on soundscan or something, i forget the actual name, but the majority of stores, bigger distros, and online vendors report to them.

Personally, my sales are up, but there was no other way to really go haha.
[Apr 8,2004 1:46pm - davyp ""]
Just plain and simple, if you flood the market with garbage, then no one is going to buy, except the people who are buying from Joe.... hey joe how can i get the Phantom limb CD
[Apr 8,2004 1:49pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If you are really coming to the summer dying show, I would suggest waiting for that because I sell CDs cheaper at shows.
[Apr 8,2004 1:58pm - davyp ""]
cool, ill get one then, thanks
[Apr 8,2004 2:18pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
bring a mortiis stargate cd to the show sunday... ill definitely be there
[Apr 8,2004 2:28pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
okay, will do.
[Apr 8,2004 2:55pm - Siberia ""]
Might I note, the majority of artists in the mainstream these days are also one hit wonders, and very few of them actually write their own music. I know of people who will buy a CD based on hearing one song, then the rest of the CD is complete crap. These people are probably getting a bit tired of paying 17-20 bucks for one song!
[Apr 8,2004 2:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
That is definately true also, I hadn't thought of that aspect. Good call
[Apr 8,2004 5:03pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
you also have to think of all the MP3 players and IPOD's that are selling. it's much easier to d/l music and put music on one of those than buy and carry around a bunch of CD's. it's prolly cheaper to buy an IPOD and d/l a bunch of music than it is to buy all the CD's of the music you wanna listen to.
[Apr 8,2004 7:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Apr 8,2004 7:29pm - the_reverend ""]
the best thing is itunes.com
1 song = $.99 = great idea.
[Apr 8,2004 8:23pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
RustedAngel said:[img]

haha that's awesome.
[Apr 8,2004 8:36pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
free music is good for finding bands, generally if I like what I hear I buy the cd, I noticed that people are scanning in the album art now, to me thats shitty becuase the cds are from bands that arnt exactly the biggest names out there, I mean what the fuck support your hardcore/metal artists and go buy their cd for 9.99 you cheap prick

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