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The lighter side of The X-files

[Dec 11,2009 8:32pm - swamplorddvm ""]


I miss this show.
[Dec 11,2009 8:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
just watch califionication. more action
[Dec 11,2009 10:17pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
See what I started. Yes I will continue to post episode comments until I have watched them all in chronological order with all the films in between. By far one of the best shows ever. Also Night Gallery, Twilight Zone, and of course Dr. Who...
[Dec 12,2009 1:45pm - badsneakers ""]
I have been re-watching every episode for the last couple months. I'll be done with season 6 this weekend!
[Dec 12,2009 1:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
I was joking about califirnication. Show sucks.

Xfiles was great but became lackluster in the later years I think.

Go to the black vault webpage if you want to look at real blacked out x files.
[Dec 12,2009 1:53pm - pam ""]
Californication does NOT suck.
[Dec 12,2009 1:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
It's ok.
[Dec 12,2009 1:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lemme rephrase: I'd rather watch something else when I'm not dry. Haha sorry.
[Dec 12,2009 4:18pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
best XFiles episode is the one called HOME about the inbreds in Pennsylvania...

it almost didn't air because of the taboo subject matter and how disturbing it is...

the only episode ever to get a TV-MA rating.
[Dec 12,2009 4:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
I uses to watch xfiles all the time. When stargate sg1 came out it was great, too.
[Dec 13,2009 2:17am - SteveSummoned ""]

AndrewBastard said:best XFiles episode is the one called HOME about the inbreds in Pennsylvania...

it almost didn't air because of the taboo subject matter and how disturbing it is...

the only episode ever to get a TV-MA rating.

I remember that episode!!! Man that one was fucking out of control. I remember watching it with my step mom when the new episodes came out on Friday nights. That one episode still sticks in my head till this day.
[Dec 13,2009 4:43am - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah, the Peacock family! One of my favorite episodes.
[Dec 13,2009 4:51am - Sacreligion ""]
I would do horrid things to Gillian Anderson.
[Dec 13,2009 4:57am - swamplorddvm ""]
She's quite a woman.

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