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1/2/10: Trapped Under Ice, Down To Nothing, Cruel Hand, Maximum Penalty, Forfeit, Naysayer @ Anchors Up

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Dec 26,2009 2:49pm - mpc666 ""]
Trapped Under Ice
Down To Nothing
Cruel Hand
Maximum Penalty

@Anchors Up
All Ages
5:00 PM

I'm pretty sure this show just got moved to Anchors Up pretty recently from another venue. Should be a good show.
[Dec 26,2009 3:32pm - tylor ""]
yeah i think it was originally the icc. anchor's up is a fuckin hike, lame
[Dec 26,2009 4:50pm - mpc666 ""]
five minute drive for me...might hit it up not sure though.

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