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[Feb 5,2010 4:52pm - Conservationist ""]
New one got liquid and spread.


Love this band, very curious to hear this.
[Feb 5,2010 4:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
they were great live opening for NILE. whats arguably their best release? i think i'll pick it up soon.
[Feb 5,2010 5:01pm - blue ""]
Everything is arguably their best release. Conversationist won't like it cus the production is top notch and not 'old school' sounding enough.
[Feb 5,2010 5:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 5,2010 8:02pm - Conservationist ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:whats arguably their best release?

Unholy Cult or Here in After, IMHO.
[Feb 5,2010 8:02pm - Conservationist ""]

blue said:cus the production is top notch and not 'old school' sounding enough.

I am production-agnostic.
[Feb 5,2010 8:08pm - thirdknuckle ""]
'Harnessing Ruin'
....album gives me the creeps

[Feb 6,2010 7:05am - aterribleguitarist ""]

FuckIsMySignature said: whats arguably their best release?

[Feb 6,2010 6:15pm - Conservationist ""]
[Feb 6,2010 6:16pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm diggin' it. Track five is my favorite so far. Thanks, Conservatio
[Feb 6,2010 6:18pm - Conservationist ""]
I'll pass along the thanks to Cynical, who found it originally. A good Hessian. Now looking for leaky Burzums...
[Feb 6,2010 6:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'd love a leaky Burzum.
[Feb 9,2010 9:59am - arktouros ""]
Listened to the leak last night. So much praise for this. Must pick it up when it comes out. A Glorious Epoch, man...I think Immolation found the Brown Note. It almost registers on the Richter scale. Sooo fucking heavy. Haunting riffage and interesting rhythms that I wish I had thought of, without being technical. Best new DM I've heard in a while. My favorite part of this band has always been the guitarage and that sound is better than ever.
[Feb 9,2010 11:01am - Conservationist ""]

goatcatalyst said:I'd love a leaky Burzum.

After 11 years in prison, he probably does leak a bit...

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