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[Apr 14,2004 10:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Apr 14,2004 10:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Is that an article about Hanson/Whitman/Hanover?
[Apr 14,2004 10:59pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
"Grindcore is another style of music," Leblanc said. "It's really out there, spastic, crazy -- people who like grind usually wear the belt."
[Apr 14,2004 10:59pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This article is so true
[Apr 14,2004 11:26pm - honor4death ""]
so what that is saying is...guys who wear girls pants are...GAY?
[Apr 14,2004 11:54pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i always hated scenesters and their gay belts and their tight pants but i never knew they wear actual girls pants.....i mean, i joked about it but, they realy are gay
[Apr 14,2004 11:57pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you obviously have never been to the south shore, i am surrounded by tons of these kids.
[Apr 14,2004 11:58pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
worcester has NO metal kids, just scenesters wait till metalfest, if you can call it that
[Apr 14,2004 11:59pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i can't call it that actually
[Apr 15,2004 10:54am - The_ExhumeD ""]
HAHAHAHAHAH, he obviously doesn't know his head from his ass. What a fucking idiot, I can't believe that kid doesnt realize how big of a faggit he is. Fashioncore hahahahaha, I thought hardcore was about not caring about differences especially in the way you dress. I cant believe that shit, we should hunt him down and stab him with syringes filled with goat piss and liquid plumber, cut his throat and feed his self righteous ass to pigs.
[Apr 15,2004 10:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I like the way you think.

Though I am not sure that this article is real, I think someone wrote it to mock hardcore and grindcore scene kids.
[Apr 15,2004 1:24pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i hate hardcore
[Apr 15,2004 1:25pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i should get a white belt
[Apr 15,2004 1:28pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
white belts are ok, because they are "grindcore".
[Apr 15,2004 1:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I can wear my white belt to abhorred shows
[Apr 15,2004 1:33pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
no no... thats not grindcore... napalm death isnt grindcore... Daughters is REAL grindcore [/sarcasm]
[Apr 15,2004 1:37pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I heard Abhorred was going in a new direction though
[Apr 15,2004 1:37pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ahhh well then, by all means, gain those few extra scene points you have always wanted.
[Apr 15,2004 2:21pm - abhorred ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I heard Abhorred was going in a new direction though

ah man...you weren't supposed to say anything....just wait untill you see us sunday...we all cut our hair, dyed it blonde and spikey, cuffed our chick pants, wear skin tight hoodies, and of course white belts....cause grindcore kids all wear white belts....but in all seriousness that article almost made me throw my computer out the 4th floor windown in my dorm......(shakes head in disgust)
[Apr 15,2004 2:29pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I want to wear a belt that says THE RED CHORD, in red letters, on a white background.
[Apr 15,2004 2:31pm - abhorred ""]
ill let you borrow mine i think i have a couple
[Apr 15,2004 2:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
thanks, can you get it to me soon? i think that pop tarts commercial might be on soon
[Apr 15,2004 2:33pm - abhorred ""]
hold on let me cuff my pants and ill be right over
[Apr 15,2004 2:36pm - Dissector ""]
Grindcore kids wear white belts? I don't.
[Apr 15,2004 2:38pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
there was a time when I filled in on vocals for bane of existence cuz doug was wicked sick, it was a last minute thing and I did a terrible job, but it was okay because I wore an awesome scarf
[Apr 15,2004 2:38pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
The_ExhumeD said:HAHAHAHAHAH, he obviously doesn't know his head from his ass. What a fucking idiot, I can't believe that kid doesnt realize how big of a faggit he is. Fashioncore hahahahaha, I thought hardcore was about not caring about differences especially in the way you dress. I cant believe that shit, we should hunt him down and stab him with syringes filled with goat piss and liquid plumber, cut his throat and feed his self righteous ass to pigs.

...you are the one that doesnt realize how much of a "faggit" you are....
you think hardcore is about dressing differently, you are dumb.
What to wear:
Sweater/collard shirt
Band shirt under hoodie (tight of course)
...get a vest.
505s or Low-Rise (low rise are girls pants, norma jean ALL wear girls pants) cuff them.
Sauconys, Asics... anything old looking.
[Apr 15,2004 3:04pm - abhorred ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:but it was okay because I wore an awesome scarf

ha ha fag!!
[Apr 15,2004 3:12pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
hardcore still sucks
[Apr 15,2004 3:22pm - retzam ""]
I wear girl pants. I don't listen to hardcore though. I have two pairs of the exact same pants, black stretchy ones. They are indeed very comfortable.
[Apr 15,2004 3:23pm - nick ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:no no... thats not grindcore... napalm death isnt grindcore... Daughters is REAL grindcore [/sarcasm]

you forgot the open [sarcasm] tag. you should probably edit that so people can really feel what you are trying to say.

[Apr 15,2004 3:24pm - retzam ""]
[Apr 15,2004 3:29pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
Wee...Bink! said:The_ExhumeD said:HAHAHAHAHAH, he obviously doesn't know his head from his ass. What a fucking idiot, I can't believe that kid doesnt realize how big of a faggit he is. Fashioncore hahahahaha, I thought hardcore was about not caring about differences especially in the way you dress. I cant believe that shit, we should hunt him down and stab him with syringes filled with goat piss and liquid plumber, cut his throat and feed his self righteous ass to pigs.

...you are the one that doesnt realize how much of a "faggit" you are....
you think hardcore is about dressing differently, you are dumb.
What to wear:
Sweater/collard shirt
Band shirt under hoodie (tight of course)
...get a vest.
505s or Low-Rise (low rise are girls pants, norma jean ALL wear girls pants) cuff them.
Sauconys, Asics... anything old looking.

learn to fucking read you shitdick, I said it wasnt about dressing differently, I dont even listen to hardcore ( besides the point) but seriously If I knew who you were Id come to your house and scissor fuck the ignorance out of your stupid ass.
[Apr 20,2004 5:44pm - assuck ""]
[May 17,2004 1:26am - The_ExhumeD ""]
scissorfuck indeed
[May 17,2004 7:34am - Kalopsia ""]
ok girls now kiss and make up.

do these people realize how stupid they look? "gee if i start listening to hardcore i need to either start wearing super tight clothes that weren't made for me to begin with, or walk around with my arms crossed all the time trying to look tough. ooooo maybe i can do both. i'd start a whole new trend!!! let's see what should i call it? tough-fashioncore??? fashion-tough guy hardcore? oh i know, i'll call it GAY."
[May 17,2004 3:21pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
mediocore will do
[May 17,2004 7:41pm - xmtv420x  ""]
I'm so hardcore I wear a bra stuffed with metal-heads' pony tails.
[May 17,2004 8:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
wow that was a great read. i think ill be going down to the old fashion bug tonight to pick up a new pair of girly pants to go with my white belt
[May 18,2004 2:54am - The_ExhumeD ""]
xmtv420x said:I'm so hardcore I wear a bra stuffed with metal-heads' pony tails.


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