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New Band (ex HSM, ELA, STF)

[Apr 15,2004 11:32pm - RyanD  ""]
New band straight outta NH, Maine and Mass.

Rob G - drums (ex HSM)
Gisel - bass (ex ELA, STF)
Ryan d - guitar (ex Masamune)
Nate - Guitar (current Hostage Heart)

sickk heavy music that you can mosh to. keep your eyes pealed in the future for shows.
[Apr 15,2004 11:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
that's a lot of ex's.
[Apr 15,2004 11:54pm - iamwiggins ""]
no name yet?
[Apr 16,2004 8:07am - the_reverend ""]
that will be pretty crazy.
To see bordersauce back on drums and in a band would rock.
instead of drunk in portsmouth where I normally see him.

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