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[Jan 2,2003 11:08pm - bloodykisses ""]
how many jews can you fit in a VW bug?
two in the front, three in the back, and a couple million in the ashtray

[Jan 2,2003 11:32pm - xblah  ""]
that wasnt a very funny joke
[Jan 2,2003 11:39pm - bloodykisses ""]
i thought it was funny!
[Jan 2,2003 11:53pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, that was funny when I was like 12.
wanna do the orange/banana knock-knock joke next?
[Jan 3,2003 3:50pm - TomNehek ""]
To be honest, I don't think a 12 year old would understand it.

Adn yes, I found it humorous.
[Jan 3,2003 10:22pm - doug in fits  ""]
how many bitches does it take to tell a bad joke?
[Jan 4,2003 12:54pm - BabysBreath ""]
4th grade called, they want thier joke back
[Jan 4,2003 12:55pm - BabysBreath ""]
PS, that joke is not funny. not even close.
i only laugh at jokes about niggers and faggots.
[Jan 4,2003 1:27pm - xmikex ""]
Don't say nigger, fag!
[Jan 4,2003 2:14pm - BabysBreath ""]
now thats humor!! hah

take note hemoglobin smootchies

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