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ESPN columnist fired for telling the truth about Haiti

[Mar 28,2010 4:16pm - Fucking Illinois Nazis  ""]

Living in the third world must suck the ass.
[Mar 28,2010 4:41pm - Doomkid ""]
This is a fucking retarded essay.

I've felt similar things about the ability of foreign donations to actually improve conditions (since its been such an uphill struggle with effective aid in the past). HOWEVER, there is rather blatant ignorance of WHY ordinary Haitians were in the poverty-stricken situation they are in. Yes its a bad idea to build in floodplains, quake-zones, etc but when you're a species that gravitates towards living on coasts, that is kind of unavoidable.

This is not truth, its an opinion that is ignoring some of the basic facts of the situation.

[Mar 28,2010 4:46pm - thuringwethil ""]
dude that is pretty fucked.

"Let them eat cake"

whatever, spend your HARD-earned dollars on Coke and hookers instead
[Mar 28,2010 6:50pm - reimroc ""]
This guy needs a prime time anchor job at NBC STAT.

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