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[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Apr 14,2010 2:24pm - Jonahathome  ""]


At: The Democracy Center
45 Mt. Auburn st, Cambridge, MA
$10 suggested donation
6:30 doors, over by 11pm
No drinking in the venue, full bar next door

Flyer coming soon..
[Apr 14,2010 2:29pm - KPANZER  ""]
FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I will still be on tour with CNV. Anybody want to grab me an ALCEST shirt?
[Apr 14,2010 2:29pm - boblovesmusic ""]
dare I ask why the venue change?
[Apr 14,2010 2:31pm - boblovesmusic ""]
but I'll still be there!
[Apr 14,2010 2:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm driving back from canada specifically this morning to see this show.
[Apr 14,2010 2:33pm - DreadKill ""]
what time is alcest playing?

i'm playing a show earlier, but want to at least make it for them, although i'd love to see the entire show.
[Apr 14,2010 2:34pm - Jonahathome  ""]
Our beloved unit is most likely done.. RIP :( :(
[Apr 14,2010 2:34pm - Jonahathome  ""]
I'm in the processes of moving all my upcoming shows to different venues.
[Apr 14,2010 2:35pm - boblovesmusic ""]
that's sad :(
[Apr 14,2010 2:36pm - boblovesmusic ""]
but I'm glad this show is still happening
[Apr 14,2010 2:38pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Wicked bummer. I'm thinking of heading up. Love The Body.
[Apr 14,2010 2:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
Glad to see it's still going on.
[Apr 14,2010 2:46pm - goatcatalyst ""]
At least I can get liquored up while watching Alcest and Have A Nice Life in New Haven... priorities
[Apr 14,2010 2:50pm - boblovesmusic ""]
all ages still I'm assuming?
[Apr 14,2010 2:53pm - Jonahathome  ""]
Still all ages, Alcest on around 9-9:30
[Apr 14,2010 2:55pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Wait, so this show is free?
[Apr 14,2010 2:55pm - blue ""]
Can't freaking waaaaaaaaaiiiiiiitttt
[Apr 14,2010 2:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
Can I be the bouncer?
[Apr 14,2010 2:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
At the ct showing, Have a Nice better play that worm song that's straight up ambience or gtfo. The title is too long for me to remember.
[Apr 14,2010 3:02pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You coming to CT, Jim? We can do a cryptic dumpling ritual @ York St. Noodle Haus and slay Yale tang
[Apr 14,2010 3:07pm - Jonahathome  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:Wait, so this show is free?

Are flights from France free?
[Apr 14,2010 3:10pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
They are when other people pay for them.
[Apr 14,2010 3:15pm - Jonahathome  ""]
Those people are you
[Apr 14,2010 3:19pm - DreadKill ""]
the show is $10

in my estimation, suggested donation means something to the effect of "$10 but if you only have 8 or 9, that's ok."

consider it a tip for good music. you're not required by the restaurant to tip the waiter, but you look like an asshole if you don't.
[Apr 14,2010 3:20pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
No more Unit 11? Bunk...
[Apr 14,2010 3:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'll probably pay more than 20
[Apr 14,2010 3:22pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I'm just being a jerk, good music is always worth my hard-earned cash. I was just curious about the wording of suggested donation?
[Apr 14,2010 3:24pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

DreadKill said:the show is $10

in my estimation, suggested donation means something to the effect of "$10 but if you only have 8 or 9, that's ok."

$7.50, for all of those destitute hipsters who need to purchase an obligatory Colt 45 before the show starts.
[Apr 14,2010 3:25pm - Jonahathome  ""]
Its a legal thing, the venue is allowed to do shows but doesn't necessarily have the licensing to charge admission. Doesn't mean I can't sit at the door and ask very nicely, but firmly for a donation..
[Apr 14,2010 3:28pm - the_reverend ""]
unit 11 is dead? fucj!
[Apr 14,2010 3:28pm - RichHorror ""]
Called it.
[Apr 14,2010 3:31pm - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Who didnt call it? Its a DIY space with HUGE metal shows.

people will give donations...keep it going!
[Apr 14,2010 3:32pm - RichHorror ""]
[Apr 14,2010 3:36pm - KPANZER  ""]
I did shit. All over that bathroom stall door.....
[Apr 14,2010 3:55pm - Jonahathome  ""]
Who knows, maybe they'll overcome shit and keep doing shows down the line, but as of now it seems pretty done. If anyone knows their landlord ask him very nicely to let them stay..

[Apr 14,2010 3:59pm - KPANZER  ""]
If it's still Boston Properties then R.I.P. Unit 11.That guy is a ruthless cocksucker.
[Apr 14,2010 4:38pm - brian_dc ""]
holy shit

The body playing in such a tiny little hall

fuck your hearing and do this shit raw
[Apr 14,2010 4:40pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Apr 14,2010 4:40pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
ahh hahah fuck. wrong thread. SORRY
[Apr 14,2010 4:48pm - Lamp ""]
Who is Alcest? I'd never even heard of them until people on this board were posting about this tour.
[Apr 14,2010 4:48pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 15,2010 12:58pm - Jonahathome  ""]
Lamp, they used to be black metally, now they're really pretty sounding and melodic but still have mid-paced black metal drums
[Apr 19,2010 5:03pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Apr 19,2010 8:38pm - Procrasturbater  ""]
what? flyer will be posted 3 days before the show? ok, procrasturbate on!
[Apr 20,2010 5:30pm - acaciastrainfan  ""]
shut up
[Apr 20,2010 6:57pm - Procrasturbater  ""]
prove me wrong, faggotfan, prove me wrong...
[Apr 21,2010 12:38pm - Jonahathome  ""]

[Apr 26,2010 9:07am - blue ""]
So, who's bringing mass amounts of hallucinogens to this show? I want to be able to see through time when they play 'printemps emeraude'.
[Apr 26,2010 10:25am - BSV  ""]
i was gonna bring a bottle of wine pour les frances.
[Apr 26,2010 10:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Can't wait to forget to go to this.
[Apr 26,2010 11:15am - ARKTOUROS ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Can't wait to forget to go to this.

can't wait to forget to remind you
[Apr 26,2010 11:21am - goatcatalyst ""]
They were so good on Wednesday! Played all of Le Secret and even one off of the demo. Have a Nice Life was good, despite the sound problems. Strong crowd, not too many hipsters.
[Apr 26,2010 11:27am - BSV  ""]
there's a show on wed in CT, right?
[Apr 26,2010 11:29am - the_reverend ""]
I dream about this show
[Apr 26,2010 11:31am - goatcatalyst ""]
Wednesday in CT, Josh. Aye.
[Apr 26,2010 12:03pm - brian_dc ""]
The Body is playing with a 22 piece choir in Providence on May 14th. I'm so pumped for that.
[Apr 26,2010 12:05pm - boblovesmusic ""]

brian_dc said:The Body is playing with a 22 piece choir in Providence on May 14th. I'm so pumped for that.

wait what?!
[Apr 26,2010 12:27pm - brian_dc ""]

you may actually need to register to read it. so:


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Joined: 29 Nov 2008
Posts: 54

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:53 pm Post subject: THE BODY 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHOW MAY 14th
at Machines With Magnets, more bands to be announced later...we will be playing with THE ASSEMBLY OF LIGHT CHOIR, which i'm told is up to 22 members...they did some amazing work on our new record and hopefully we don't fudge it up for them live...this also may be a record release show, but i don't wanna get my hopes up...seriously come to this show...when else are you gonna see a 2 piece band play as 30 people....it's like metallica and the LA symphony orchestra...or scorpions and the berlin orchestra
[Apr 26,2010 12:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Wow. Way to piss all over my sweet time-travelling fib, Brian.
[Apr 26,2010 12:37pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Apr 26,2010 2:56pm - blue ""]

goatcatalyst said:Wow. Way to piss all over my sweet time-travelling fib, Brian.

Only the nocturnus time machine is real.
[Apr 26,2010 2:58pm - goatcatalyst ""]
this is true
[Apr 26,2010 5:11pm - randymarshers  ""]
ill take drugs at this show.

sell me drugs at ritual.
[Apr 28,2010 2:03am - Sheila Marsh  ""]
[Apr 29,2010 3:56am - jonahh  ""]
[Apr 29,2010 7:32am - the_reverend ""]
wow, the body from minimalist to maximalist.
[Apr 29,2010 7:42am - the_reverend ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Haha, LA symphony orchestra...good one

she's still around, but doesn't post here... :(
[Apr 29,2010 10:35am - Goatrider ""]
is anyone else already getting a boner for this show?

Maybe if I jack it right now, I'll still have some pre-show arousal the day of....
[Apr 29,2010 12:17pm - Spaldino  ""]
so what is this venue like?
[Apr 29,2010 12:32pm - the_reverend ""]
It is a big all purpose room. I took pictures there.
[Apr 29,2010 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 30,2010 8:50am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Apr 30,2010 11:22am - jonahh  ""]
Diy or die

Anyone want to bring a bangin PA?
[Apr 30,2010 12:19pm - Spaldino  ""]
[Apr 30,2010 12:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
See ya'll there.
I'm afraid thisll be the last show I can headbang for a while... Shaving it sunday :'(
[Apr 30,2010 1:09pm - DreadKill ""]
why are you buzzing your hair off?
[Apr 30,2010 1:10pm - KPANZER  ""]

arilliusbm said:See ya'll there.
I'm afraid thisll be the last show I can headbang for a while... Shaving it sunday :'(

How long did it get? Thought you just did the big chop a little while ago.
I'm in the 'living in a hat' stage right now. If i can make it through the summer I think I will be viking bound.
[Apr 30,2010 2:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
I did.. I've been growing it out for almost 2 years now. got the Viking chops.
Pretty much have to cut it off for work, among other reasons. I feel like a sellout piece of shit.. oh well. probably doing it one more time until I'm completely Jean luc Picard bald
[Apr 30,2010 2:17pm - KPANZER  ""]
Until metal pays your bills leave that 'sell out' nonsense at the door bro. You have nothing to explain.
[Apr 30,2010 2:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
wlel to put it bluntly: Fuck corporate america.
[Apr 30,2010 2:28pm - brian_dc ""]
I agree with that sentiment. My company doesn't give a fuck if your hair doesn't match the typical gender expectations.

I don't miss my long hair at all, though. I don't regret having long hair, but I'd never go back.
[Apr 30,2010 2:29pm - brian_dc ""]
be careful the first week or two as to not accidentally inflict whiplash upon yourself

the transition does feel weird.
[Apr 30,2010 2:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
Outside of metallica, are there any bands that ctually make metal to pay the bills?? Fuck that shit.. Metal ain't about money.
[Apr 30,2010 2:43pm - ARKTOUROS ""]
you'd be surprised...i read an old interview with Trey saying Morbid Angel paid his bills and he gets free gear anyway.

metal SHOULDN'T pay the bills, i can't believe people out there try to rely on that...going on tour making some cash is one thing, but if you wanted to make real money you're playing the wrong genre, unless you want to sell blow-up swords at a gig...
[Apr 30,2010 3:04pm - Spaldino  ""]
[Apr 30,2010 3:11pm - KPANZER  ""]
whoa, whoa, whoa-that's not even close to what I was saying.
[Apr 30,2010 3:26pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I sold out and shaved it all off last night.
[Apr 30,2010 3:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
yea right. I barely remember you with a shaved head
[Apr 30,2010 3:45pm - KPANZER  ""]
My hair is at the stage AB's was when I met him
[Apr 30,2010 3:47pm - KPANZER  ""]
My hair is at the stage AB's was when I met him
[Apr 30,2010 3:54pm - Lamp ""]

the_reverend said:whoah...
HailTheLeaf said:Haha, LA symphony orchestra...good one

she's still around, but doesn't post here... :(

Dude, you should see the fucking retarded shit she's posting in general discussion right now. It might even be dumber than what she was posting here.

She'll probably stop reading that board eventually if everyone makes fun of her enough but with the Lots of Noise crowd I'm not so sure. Much more of a mixed bag of people.
[Apr 30,2010 3:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
wait are you two going to this show ?
[Apr 30,2010 5:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Should be a killer show tomorrow. The CT show was mindblowing. Amazing PA / sound and dead-on performance. Have A Nice Life was definitely... different... and I LOVE their CDs. Pretty excellent live recreation of it, but I dunno... something about it rubbed me the wrong way. If any of you plan on buying Alcest shirts, brace yourself for le rape. $25
[Apr 30,2010 5:34pm - boblovesmusic ""]
are the shirts at least nice?
[Apr 30,2010 5:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
fuck the shirts, are they selling the split??
[Apr 30,2010 7:46pm - Spaldino  ""]
[May 1,2010 1:04am - the_reverend ""]
I might have to bring some cash and get a shirt if they have that design on a shirt/hoodie.
[May 1,2010 1:06am - the_reverend ""]
[May 1,2010 2:05am - blue ""]
Going to spend too much money
[May 1,2010 2:14am - goatcatalyst ""]
Largest shirt they had was youth large. Vive le!!! I usually try to support touring bands whose shit I download the fuck out of, but that... that is simply bellicose.
[May 1,2010 2:32am - Spaldino  ""]
im so fucking angry because i KNOW they won't have a fat american size for their shirts... but i want one SO BAD. :(
[May 1,2010 2:46am - slarchetype of most foul blasphemy  ""]
when is the body going on???

may have to cancel blessed offal practice for this...

hahaha, @ spaldino, i remember when the tables were turned, some of the earliest shirts i have that are still wearable are "mediums" that fit me like a muu muu 12 years after i bought them
[May 1,2010 3:22am - randy of the marshfrost  ""]
this is going to b a fun rock concert.
[May 1,2010 3:28am - Spaldino  ""]
it's the fucking worst. i have a couple of XL's from when i was in 6th grade that STILL FIT ME NOW (i bought them huge because baggy was cool and i wanted to grow into them). XL's now are small as fuck. NEEDS MAOR XXL.
[May 1,2010 5:02am - quintessence_nli  ""]
buy a shirt and loose weight.
[May 1,2010 8:43am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Can someone give me an idea of where the Democracy Center is located? Is it by Central Sq or?
[May 1,2010 8:50am - boblovesmusic ""]
Harvard Square area actually
[May 1,2010 9:10am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
How far from "The Garage", would you say?
[May 1,2010 9:12am - arilliusbm ""]
Yea.. Where the fuck is this place?
[May 1,2010 9:38am - boblovesmusic ""]
Down the street away from the garage, when the street forks (giggity) take the right street
[May 1,2010 9:45am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[May 1,2010 12:35pm - the_reverend ""]
Mike, bring me vicc

Goat, did they have the yl in the album cover? How much? I want to be able to get one.

Jonah, what time should I show up, you think? You can pm, txt or email me deets but I was to be able to get pics in this small room.
[May 1,2010 12:47pm - Spaldino  ""]

quintessence_nli said:buy a shirt and loose weight.

XL's didn't fit me very well when i was skinnier either... they are too short. big shoulders and back. im just a freak :(
[May 1,2010 12:48pm - Czarnobog ""]

the_reverend said:Jonah, what time should I show up, you think? You can pm, txt or email me deets but I was to be able to get pics in this small room.

jonah is outta town, but we should be there by 5ish.
[May 1,2010 12:49pm - blessed offal  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:Can someone give me an idea of where the Democracy Center is located? Is it by Central Sq or?

mike ill go with you, i know exactly where it is. place kinda sucks though.
[May 1,2010 12:57pm - the_reverend ""]

Czarnobog said:
the_reverend said:Jonah, what time should I show up, you think? You can pm, txt or email me deets but I was to be able to get pics in this small room.

jonah is outta town, but we should be there by 5ish.

I should leave Portsmouth at 4
[May 1,2010 1:06pm - RichHorror ""]
cool story bro
[May 1,2010 2:00pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
ok what time do you think bands will start? I might have to go pick up a friend of mine from Sudbury (can't let a fellow Alcest miss this show cus of travel issues!)
[May 1,2010 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
Isn't this jonahs show? How can he be out of town?
[May 1,2010 2:19pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
family trip to Morocco
[May 1,2010 2:21pm - RichHorror ""]
All the cool promoters miss their own shows. Welcome aboard, Jonah.
[May 1,2010 2:24pm - the_reverend ""]
So joe not common was the coolest!
[May 1,2010 2:26pm - the_reverend ""]

goatcatalyst said:Should be a killer show tomorrow. The CT show was mindblowing. Amazing PA / sound and dead-on performance. Have A Nice Life was definitely... different... and I LOVE their CDs. Pretty excellent live recreation of it, but I dunno... something about it rubbed me the wrong way. If any of you plan on buying Alcest shirts, brace yourself for le rape. $25
If you look at the site, they are 15.99 EU so you save there. I will get one if it's the shirt I want.
[May 1,2010 2:47pm - ohhellno  ""]

Neige lost his voice. Alcest's performance tonight is canceled.
[May 1,2010 2:50pm - Spaldino  ""]
[May 1,2010 2:52pm - brian_dc ""]
holy shit, that's fucking lame
[May 1,2010 2:55pm - Spaldino  ""]
[May 1,2010 2:55pm - blessed offal  ""]


[May 1,2010 2:56pm - blue ""]
[May 1,2010 2:58pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

[May 1,2010 2:58pm - blessed offal  ""]
blue come by 212 we can always still get way to baked instead.
[May 1,2010 2:59pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
ha ha. gay band is gay. no hipster black metal for you!

Ross come to asshole Ryans..
[May 1,2010 3:00pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
how many people did I rub the wrong way with that one? I was half kidding...
[May 1,2010 3:07pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
as disappointed as I am, I'm glad they're not going to do a half-assed performance as a result of them being sick. I mean, Neige is the voice of Alcest, so to have him not sing at the show would be kinda lacking. Still, FUUUUUUUU
[May 1,2010 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 1,2010 3:13pm - sniip_snap  ""]
anyone know what time the body is going on?
[May 1,2010 3:14pm - the_reverend ""]
i drove to canada and back to see this show. fuck!
[May 1,2010 3:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
[May 1,2010 3:39pm - blessed offal  ""]

AndrewBastard said:ha ha. gay band is gay. no hipster black metal for you!

Ross come to asshole Ryans..

eh ill be at practice til like 9 or 10, and have no ride. get drunk after or GTFO
[May 1,2010 3:48pm - Swollen Donkey  ""]
oh man this show was intense!!!!!!
[May 1,2010 9:57pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Well that went well...
[May 1,2010 10:06pm - josh_hates_you ""]
do tell.
[May 1,2010 10:21pm - the_reverend ""]
cancelled show went well?
[May 1,2010 11:44pm - josh_hates_you ""]
only alcest cancelled. rest of the bands still played i guess. jonah posted something about a PA yesterday. Im interested to hear about the show that no one went to or the shitstorm that ensued when a whole bunch of uninformed folks arrived for said show.
[May 1,2010 11:48pm - MetalThursday ""]
<shameless plug> still 2 hours of show left @ ralph's! </shameless plug>
[May 2,2010 10:50am - Czarnobog ""]
drinking by the river pre-show was pretty good, actual show didn't go down so well. lots of people disappointed about alcest dropping. we played three songs and then the cops showed up on noise complaints so we had to stop. animal hospital guy played some ambient sound loop stuff quietly in the back room with a handful people sitting on the floor watching. the body didn't end up playing because they are loud as fuck and no one wanted to deal with the cops. hopefully they got whatever door money there was for driving up.
[May 2,2010 1:38pm - BSV  ""]

[May 2,2010 3:24pm - Czarnobog ""]


yeah, y'know jonah. he's like the greedy scrooge of the boston scene.
[May 2,2010 3:55pm - the_reverend ""]
one time jonah didn't show up at a show so that he could swim in his money vault. true story.
[May 2,2010 5:02pm - BSV  ""]
[May 2,2010 5:51pm - BSV  ""]
Don't get me wrong, it's certainly noble and elite of Nachzehrer to get a noise complaint in Cambridge.
[May 2,2010 8:08pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope Jonah comes home soon so we can get together to smoke cigars made out of hundred dollar heavy metal show bills soon.
[May 2,2010 8:22pm -  ""]
I am le sorry for le problems and uncomforatable situation with le concert. i am zeso sorry but we will make it back here zoon. keep le heads banging and wrists limp in ze meantime

so sorry </3
[May 3,2010 12:50pm - BSV  ""]
Moroccan skin trucker hats and vegetarian shoes
[May 3,2010 2:36pm - brian_dc ""]
The Body is still playing with a fucking choir in 11 days.
[May 3,2010 7:26pm - sniip_snap  ""]

brian_dc said:The Body is still playing with a fucking choir in 11 days.

when? where?

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