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Joey Belladonna rejoins Anthrax

[May 10,2010 12:31pm - zyklon ""]
[May 10,2010 12:33pm - reimroc ""]
[May 10,2010 12:36pm - metal_church101 ""]
[May 10,2010 12:47pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 10,2010 1:00pm - BrianDBB ""]
A FUCKIN MEN. Now let's get a BIG FOUR US tour
[May 10,2010 1:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
all four are terrible now.

[May 10,2010 1:55pm - BrianDBB ""]
Can't argue that really... but i'd probably still attend
[May 10,2010 1:55pm - ARKTOUROS ""]
haha, meanwhile, Exodus is still awesome
[May 10,2010 1:57pm - RichHorror ""]

ARKTOUROS said:haha, meanwhile, Exodus is still awesome

Shovel Headed Kill Machine makes a liar out of you.
[May 10,2010 1:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeah, Exodus, Testament and Overkill all pretty much stood the test of time.
[May 10,2010 2:05pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Ugh. Retire already.
[May 10,2010 2:07pm - arktouros ""]

RichHorror said:
ARKTOUROS said:haha, meanwhile, Exodus is still awesome

Shovel Headed Kill Machine makes a liar out of you.

even the best of us have diarrhea now and again
[May 10,2010 2:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

RichHorror said:
ARKTOUROS said:haha, meanwhile, Exodus is still awesome

Shovel Headed Kill Machine makes a liar out of you.

Well, yeah.

Tempo of the Damned ruled pretty hard, though.
[May 10,2010 2:15pm - pam ""]
I just came.
[May 10,2010 2:18pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Expose your genitals to mental patients.
[May 10,2010 2:34pm - Kevord ""]

goatcatalyst said:Ugh. Retire already.
[May 10,2010 2:37pm - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]

pam said:I just came.

I'd only come for Neil Turbin, But this still gave me a boner. I will be at the next show if I can, but I'm especially psyched there's going to be NEW MUSIC with Joey singing.
[May 10,2010 2:44pm - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]

Arrowhead%20NLI%20NLI%20for%20real said:

I'd only come for Neil Turbin,

After re-reading, I'm pretty sure this is not quite what I was trying to say. eeeeeeeeew.
[May 10,2010 2:44pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm not gonna fib; I'll definitely go see this - but mainly so I can become a drunken mess and revert to 12 year old Ryan.

And for what it's worth, Overkill gets my vote as most consistent / relevent of the whole pack. Testament, Exodus and Kreator are pretty rad still, but Overkill really blew me away on this last tour. They fucking killed.
[May 10,2010 2:46pm - Kevord ""]
They'll be playing with CSDO at some dive bar around Salisbury beach in about a year.
[May 10,2010 2:47pm - Arrowhead NLI NLI for real  ""]

Kevord said:They'll be playing with CSDO at some dive bar around Salisbury beach in about a year.

It's funny because it's true.
[May 10,2010 3:05pm - carina at work  ""]
i came here to post this thread. too late
[May 10,2010 3:10pm - DreadKill ""]

Kevord said:They'll be playing with CSDO at some dive bar around Salisbury beach in about a year.

only if lilker comes back or if one of his many bands plays (most likely nuclear assault).
[May 10,2010 3:13pm - Kevord ""]

DreadKill said:
Kevord said:They'll be playing with CSDO at some dive bar around Salisbury beach in about a year.

only if lilker comes back or if one of his many bands plays (most likely nuclear assault).

Meliah Rage or GTFO.
[May 10,2010 3:22pm - zyklon ""]

carina%20%20at%20work said:i came here to post this thread. too late

[May 10,2010 3:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You faggots don't know shit about top fuel funny cars and you'll never play with Nuclear Assault, you'll never play with DRI, you'll never play the Palladium, you'll never play with the legends and you'll never fucking make it!!! Keep hatin...
[May 10,2010 3:40pm - Dankill  ""]

Arrowhead%20NLI%20NLI%20for%20real said:
pam said:I just came.

I'd only come on Neil Turbin, But this still gave me a boner.

[May 10,2010 6:50pm - blessed offal  ""]
i dont mean to sound insulting, but seriously who gives a fuck about anthrax in 2010?
[May 10,2010 6:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I really never got the Anthrax bug. Love S.O.D., love pretty much all of Lilker's bands, love Scott's rhythm playing and Charlie's drumming, but overall nothing anybody else does in that band does anything for me. The vocals just always turned me off.

(Anthrax with Public Enemy is obviously awesome, of course.)

(BTW: The second drummer I ever played with now teaches a metal drumming class (at GIT, I believe) entirely based on "Fistful of Metal.")
[May 10,2010 7:01pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Hmmm... Maybe I can get hired to teach people how to piss on the sidewalk. An ass for every seat, apparently.
[May 10,2010 9:32pm - John Aubrey  ""]
anthrax is the best metal band of all time. FACT
[May 10,2010 10:00pm - narkybark ""]
Anthrax only had two worthwhile albums. You decide.
[May 10,2010 10:10pm - John Aubrey  ""]
anthrax without belladonna will not be considered anthrax because it is not anthrax
[May 10,2010 10:31pm - Gabe Horn nli  ""]
This is awesome. I've been listening to a lot of old Anthrax lately. That shit is so fuckin good.
When they tour I would have a hard time imagining them doing any of the Bush era shit.
[May 11,2010 9:25am - metal_church101 ""]
[May 11,2010 9:50am - ouchdrummer ""]
I also never got the bug. I saw em a couple times, and they were pretty good live, not great.

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