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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to TheRidersofDoom.
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[QUOTE="TheRidersofDoom:1080955"]whoever wrote that was a moron "Since the rise of the American superpower, the world has been more stable and prosperous. " false, America is completely disparate in who is prosperous and who is left to starve. The gap between rich and poor has soared since the founding days. It so happens that the media and TV shows make it seem like there is still some obtainable American dream when there is in fact almost no upward class mobility. "A good case could be made that America thrived on a short-lived aristocracy of founders, then survived as a military project to conquer a frontier, then was ruled by robber-barons in the 1840s and after a disastrous Civil War, has become more liberal and more democratic. " Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. We became more liberal and democratic after the civil war? Tell that to the south who was brutalized with stiff rules and had their resources stripped and carted back north. Also, no more robber barons? What history books did you read, the robber barons hay-day was right after the civil war when all that cheap labor (immigrants and freed-blacks) became available to be used against the skilled natives. I mean, from the civil war up until teddy roosevelt this country was owned by robber-barons. Not to mention we have been in two world wars and many imperial conflicts large and small since then. Any notion that this country has ever been for the people by the people is stupid, wasn't true when the constitution was writ, hasn't been true since then. When was the last time a regular citizen became a rep. at Congress and not some trained political lapdog or rich ass old dude? [/QUOTE]
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