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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to arilliusbm.
Please remove excess text as not to re-post tons
[QUOTE="arilliusbm:1081370"][QUOTE="Conservationist:1081355"][QUOTE="arilliusbm:1081319"]Didn't read anything here but it doesn't matter what form of government is established; corruption always overruns everything. [/QUOTE] I like Plato's view: it's a cycle; when corruption overruns, restart the cycle.[/QUOTE] exactly. But why keep repeating? Plato hit the nail on the head in a lot of his writings, but as the "known world" grew, his philosphy becomes somewhat invalid in certain arguments. Granted the basis is still true, but the world today is much more complex than he could imagine. Those who are oppressed seek the answer to resolve the situation. Tyranny today is not is not what it was back then. Today's tyranny is a blind tyranny: we live in a subtle, yet tyrannical oppression with many different pimples affecting the whole aspect of our lives. We must strive to pop each pimple, and let the tyrannical puss ooze out so everyone can see it. The only way this can happen today is by figuring out ways to have a global society where sovereignty still resides and is respected. Right now we are moving towards a global tyrannical government and people are not aware of this, or are afraid to accept it. Something has to happen, whether it be 1776, a spiritual awakening, or a massive event which affects the global population. We are a boiling pot of water; what we need is the water to fall put of the pot and extinguish the flame. The tea party is not the answer - our boiling water will not be used for tea. It will be used to stop it from boiling. Amerika is dead, and as been since the 1950s. [/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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