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The Holwell Account would like some help please

[May 23,2010 7:03am - theholwellaccount ""]
Hey everyone our band The Holwell Account is having a hard time trying to find gigs. We have messaged probably around 10 different promoters in the New England area with none of them responding. Does anyone have any ideas for promoters that they work with that would be willing to work with us? We will pretty much do anything to play.
[May 23,2010 10:49am - immortal13 ""]
Dude there ain't shit going on down here for shows right now. Whenever I see something good I'll see what I can do for you guys, only because you rule.
[May 23,2010 11:58am - Rocko's NLI  ""]
[May 23,2010 12:15pm - immortal13 ""]
Avoid paying to play.
[May 23,2010 12:46pm - josh_hates_you ""]

theholwellaccount said:Does anyone have any ideas for promoters that they work with that would be willing to work with us? We will pretty much do anything to play.

Stop playing outdated metalcore that we have heard 100 times before. Promoters realize metalcore is on its way out the door. No one gives a flying fuck about all of the clones in this genre anymore. you are not the red chord. no one cares.

Hope that helps.

dont get me wrong the track on your myspace sounds awesome. nice production. Just heard it a million and 7 times before. uninspired. unoriginal. no care ever.
[May 23,2010 1:03pm - sever ""]
Apparently, Josh hates you.
[May 23,2010 1:11pm - SteveSummoned ""]

josh_hates_you said:
theholwellaccount said:Does anyone have any ideas for promoters that they work with that would be willing to work with us? We will pretty much do anything to play.

Stop playing outdated metalcore that we have heard 100 times before. Promoters realize metalcore is on its way out the door. No one gives a flying fuck about all of the clones in this genre anymore. you are not the red chord. no one cares.

Hope that helps.

dont get me wrong the track on your myspace sounds awesome. nice production. Just heard it a million and 7 times before. uninspired. unoriginal. no care ever.

Enlighten me on what your take of metalcore is because I say that The Holwell Account is more on the lines of Despised Icon/Ion Dissonance Canadian movement type stuff.
[May 23,2010 1:13pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Consider rapping in your choruses. Then I might book you.
[May 23,2010 1:16pm - slag nli  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Consider fapping noises in your choruses. Then I might book you.
[May 23,2010 1:17pm - sever ""]

slag%20nli said:
goatcatalyst said:Consider fapping to horses. Then I might fuck you.

[May 23,2010 2:21pm - RichHorror ""]
lol @ "might"
[May 23,2010 2:36pm - mike_network ""]
'canadian movement' LOL
[May 23,2010 3:03pm - goatcatalyst ""]

sever said:
slag%20nli said:
goatcatalyst said:Consider fapping to horses. Then I might fuck you.

Equine perversion... your depravity know no bounds, Slag.
[May 23,2010 3:19pm - Poser NLI  ""]
[May 23,2010 3:23pm - theholwellaccount ""]
thank you
[May 23,2010 3:26pm - theholwellaccount ""]

josh_hates_you said:
theholwellaccount said:Does anyone have any ideas for promoters that they work with that would be willing to work with us? We will pretty much do anything to play.

Stop playing outdated metalcore that we have heard 100 times before. Promoters realize metalcore is on its way out the door. No one gives a flying fuck about all of the clones in this genre anymore. you are not the red chord. no one cares.

Hope that helps.

dont get me wrong the track on your myspace sounds awesome. nice production. Just heard it a million and 7 times before. uninspired. unoriginal. no care ever.

well it is only one of our tracks, i would like to think of us as much more than just "metalcore" its the only one we have up because we are saving the rest from public ears until our EP drops june 22nd. Then you can hate it all you want. I look forward to your opinion
[May 23,2010 3:50pm - Mark - The Holwell Account  ""]
Josh, I don't really see why you would think we care to be compared to the Red Chord. We may be influenced by them, but even the Red Chord isn't the Red Chord anymore. Nobody is truly original. The real challenge is creating a sound that is a unique combination of a bunch of things a million other bands have done before you. You claim to not care but were intrigued enough to respond. Your critique is honest (thank you), and I believe in essence reads, "the track on your myspace sounds awesome. nice production." The rest is just filler. We are glad to have won you over. Maybe in a sea of unoriginal bastards, we will fit the pieces together perfectly to create an album that even you, our most cherished of listeners, will be receptive to. Thanks for your time and for your thoughts. Until then, try be supportive of bands who even give a fuck enough to TRY. I like to think that our efforts are such, an honest attempt to be creative.

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