Great summary of the Obama presidency yet.[views:3291][posts:39]_______________________________ [Jul 27,2010 9:59am - Hoser ""] Please read the article below....It was written by Gary Hubbell, a rancher, fishing guide and real estate agent, in Aspen Colorado of all places....Someone picked this up and began circulating it. To confirm its authenticity, a friend emailed Gary and received the following reply: Yes, indeed, I did write that. Thanks for your compliments. Regards, Gary Hubbell, Broker/Owner United Country Colorado Brokers Hotchkiss, CO 81419 970 872 3322 970 872 3322 office 970 988 2122 970 988 2122 cell 970 921 5588 970 921 5588 home 970 872 3323 office fax email: web: web: EXCELLENT ARTICLE. NEVER EVER WOULD I HAVE THOUGHT THIS WOULD COME OUT OF ASPEN , http://www/.aspentimes .com/article/20100228/ASPENWEEKLY/100229854/ Barack Obama has awakened a sleeping nation Gary Hubbell Aspen Times Weekly February 2010 Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years. Truly, he is the savior of America 's future. He is the best thing ever. Despite the fact that he has some of the lowest approval ratings among recent presidents, history will see Barack Obama as the source of America 's resurrection. Barack Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt that we could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance nationwide; TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have shown little positive effect on the national economy; unemployment is unacceptably high and looks to remain that way for most of a decade; legacy entitlement programs have ballooned to unsustainable levels, and there is a seething anger in the populace. That's why Barack Obama is such a good thing for America . Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years. Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored. Average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting trips - they've gotten off the fence. They've woken up. There is a level of political activism in this country that we haven't seen since the American Revolution, and Barack Obama has been the catalyst that has sparked a restructuring of the American political and social consciousness. Think of the crap we've slowly learned to tolerate over the past 50 years as liberalism sought to re-structure the America that was the symbol of freedom and liberty to all the people of the world. Immigration laws were ignored on the basis of compassion. Welfare policies encouraged irresponsibility, the fracturing of families, and a cycle of generations of dependency. Debt was regarded as a tonic to lubricate the economy. Our children left school having been taught that they are exceptional and special, while great numbers of them cannot perform basic functions of mathematics and literacy. Legislators decided that people could not be trusted to defend their own homes, and stripped citizens of their rights to own firearms. Productive members of society have been penalized with a heavy burden of taxes in order to support legions of do-nothings who loll around, reveling in their addictions, obesity, indolence, ignorance and "disabilities." Criminals have been arrested and re-arrested, coddled and set free to pillage the citizenry yet again. Lawyers routinely extort fortunes from doctors, contractors and business people with dubious torts. We slowly learned to tolerate these outrages, shaking our heads in disbelief, and we went on with our lives. But Barack Obama has ripped the lid off a seething cauldron of dissatisfaction and unrest. A former Communist is given a paid government position in the White House as an advisor to the president. Auto companies are taken over by the government, and the auto workers' union - whose contracts are completely insupportable in any economic sense - is rewarded with a stake in the company. Government bails out Wall Street investment bankers and insurance companies, who pay their executives outrageous bonuses as thanks for the public support. Terrorists are read their Miranda rights and given free lawyers. And, despite overwhelming public disapproval, Barack Obama has pushed forward with a health care plan that would re-structure one-sixth of the American economy. Literally millions of Americans have had enough. They're organizing, they're studying the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, they're reading history and case law, they're showing up at rallies and meetings, and a slew of conservative candidates are throwing their hats into the ring. Is there a revolution brewing? Yes, in the sense that there is a keen awareness that our priorities and sensibilities must be radically re-structured. Will it be a violent revolution? No. It will be done through the interpretation of the original document that has guided us for 220 "FANTASTIC” years - the Constitution. Just as the pendulum swung to embrace political correctness and liberalism, there will be a backlash, a complete repudiation of a hundred years of nonsense. A hundred years from now, history will perceive the year 2010 as the time when America got back on the right track. And for that, we can thank Barack Hussein Obama. Gary Hubbell is a hunter, rancher, and former hunting and fly-fishing guide. Gary works as a Colorado ranch real estate broker. |
____________________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 10:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""] ya well...what now? |
__________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 10:10am - Doomkid ""] Hoser said: Barack Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt that we could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance nationwide; TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have shown little positive effect on the national economy; unemployment is unacceptably high and looks to remain that way for most of a decade; legacy entitlement programs have ballooned to unsustainable levels and there is a seething anger in the populace. You do realize that out of these things came about/were magnified by within the previous "conservative" admin right? And I'd say there was some pretty seething anger when the Supreme Court hijacked the electoral process back in 2000, then more anger in 2003 @ our actions in Iraq, then more anger as the Bush-Cheney admin continued to be diametrically opposed to the ideals they were elected into office to support. Congress is our real problem in terms of bloated government, not Obama. They've been in office much longer and their blocs will remain after he's gone. Also, the Constitution is not a holy document. It was intended to be modified over the years. "Originalists" like Justice Scalia are not in touch with reality. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 10:10am - arilliusbm ""] Best thing to happen to the nation in 100 years? He was hand picked by Goldman Sachs. |
___________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 12:19pm - ShadowSD ""] I can believe a uberconservative real estate broker would write this garbage, but why would any working person actually fall for it? All this anti-Obama anti-health care shit over the last year was exposed as corporations bussing in people to town halls; most of it was organized through FreedomWorks, run by former longtime member of Congressional Republican leadership Dick Armey. NEWS FLASH: When rich guys start talking about freedom, they're talking about THEIRS, not yours. Why does any one who works for a living still fall for their HORSESHIT - that this thread would be seriously posted here on rttp is depressing. Obama's approval rating is higher than Reagan's at this stage, and higher than Clinton's. Both went on to win a huge re-election. Fuck, Obama has been at 50% or higher for almost his whole term, until just recently; Bush couldn't get up to a 50% approval rating for the vast majority of his ENTIRE second term. And that's only what's wrong with the first couple sentences of that dreck, given that Bush and a Republican Congress created SEVERAL times more debt than Obama has. Hoser, you don't REALLY fall for this stuff, do you? Just look up the numbers, they don't lie or have a bias, but they expose the fact that this real estate broker is just trying to manipulate people based on lies, and I know from debating you about politics in the past that you're too smart for to fall for this shit - right? |
__________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 12:21pm - reimroc ""] I like you Hoser. Your innate ability to disappear only to reappear to troll liberals in fantastic. |
____________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 12:23pm - arktouros ""] Ya, he really falls for it. |
___________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 12:23pm - ShadowSD ""] Doomkid said:Congress is our real problem in terms of bloated government, not Obama. They've been in office much longer and their blocs will remain after he's gone. |
___________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 12:29pm - ShadowSD ""] arilliusbm said:Best thing to happen to the nation in 100 years? He was hand picked by Goldman Sachs. Is this sarcasm, or just hyperbole that's lost it's way? It's one thing to say Goldman Sachs has too much institutional influence in Washington, but I think out of the possible R's and D's they could have as President, their last choice would be Obama. Financial regulations laws ending too big to fail would not have passed under anyone else, and between those and expiring tax cuts for the richest, Goldman would definitely disagree 100% with your assessment. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 12:31pm - arilliusbm ""] There's a helll of a lot more ruining this country than Obama. Follow the fucking money! |
______________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 12:34pm - burnsy nli ""] This is a good article. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 12:36pm - arilliusbm ""] Tell that to Paulson. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 12:56pm - arilliusbm ""] Shadow, it was somewhat sarcastic. The regulations are nothing more than scratching the surface. Do you realize how many politicians are paid off by major financial companies? That is the problem in America. We're owned by Corporations. Big Pharma as well. Flick on tr evening news - all you we are commercials of drugs. We are the most drugged up country on the planet. This coutntry has gone to shit. People like to blame democrats, others blame republicans. Therein lies the problem: bipartisan politics is a cancer to this supposed "democracy." we are not united, and politicians aren't honest. What we need is a MAJOR change in power. STOP sending billions and billions of dollars to our military and put it into things to assist the country. It is absurd how much money goes into the military industrial complex rather than the citizens of this country. Ask not what your country can do for you; but what you can do for your country. But why would I want to support a government that lies to me? Why support corrupt politicians who support a corrupt system? As Plato stated, we live in an era of tyranny. If America wants to survive the next 100 years, we need MAJOR reform, not more broken "promises." I like some things Obama has done and still belive he's better than McCain, but I've lost faith in our Congress, Senate, and everything else. Bipartisanship is destroying this country- both sides are controlled by corporations. |
__________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 1:04pm - brian_dc ""] Politics is like the Thriller Dance. The approval of the country tends to sway with each election cycle: Left - Right - Left - Left - Right - Left -Right - Right and so on And deep down everyone involved is actually dead. |
____________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 1:04pm - arilliusbm ""] Excuse the cell phone grammar and mispelled werds. Texting that shit is tedious |
______________________________ [Jul 27,2010 1:08pm - Yeti ""] arilliusbm said:Flick on tr evening news - all you we are commercials of drugs. We are the most drugged up country on the planet. This coutntry has gone to shit. People like to blame democrats, others blame republicans. i blame advertisements. they are bleeding the life from everyone. i haven't had cable in years, i don't ever watch it, and whenever i see an advertisement online or on a billboard, i feel physically ill. i don't care what it's advertising, its never anything more than fast food, drugs, cars or beauty products. all people are told all day and night when they are glued to that idiot box is how fat, depressed, and unhappy they are with their lives. here, take these LEGAL drugs to make you happy. BUT DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TAKING ILLEGAL DRUGS, WE ARE A DRUG-FREE SOCIETY!! |
______________________________ [Jul 27,2010 1:09pm - Yeti ""] brian_dc said:Politics is like the Thriller Dance. The approval of the country tends to sway with each election cycle: Left - Right - Left - Left - Right - Left -Right - Right and so on And deep down everyone involved is actually dead. weird, i was just in Newbury Comics and Thriller was playing. |
____________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 1:17pm - arilliusbm ""] Yeti, you hit the nail on the head about big pharma. They are the number one reason why weed is still federally illegal. Why? Because there's no possible way for them to have a stranglehold on it's market because anyone can grow it. But yet, they create fancy (much more dangerous) pills in labs and make profit off of each pill taken. Again: MONEY. It is that reason why I firmly believe swineflu was created in a lab, and there's proof that it was. Most people would call it hogwash conspiracy bullshit but do some fucking research! It was created or big pharma to make profits off of vaccines. The media fails to report anything remotely challenging to our propagandized brains, as they are controlled by the same fucking system. Look at the money the fed ships over to the IMF. We've been robbed, brainwashed, and raped. Take this torch and pitchfork- to battle! |
______________________________ [Jul 27,2010 1:22pm - Yeti ""] i'm witnessing some tragic medical issues right now (not to me), and when i look at the treatment all i can think of is "how can this be the only solution?". because it's all about money and keeping everyone sick in order to continue raking in that money. i've never hated big pharma more than i do right now, because of the huge potential for alternative methods of treatment, and how they are stamped out because of the need for "real drugs". |
______________________________ [Jul 27,2010 1:24pm - Yeti ""] i won't even get into the swineflu again, but there is a conspiratorial thought that keeps creeping into my head about just how correlated the issue happening now is to that very "vaccine". |
____________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 1:26pm - arilliusbm ""] the new healthcare deal is a big blow to alternative medicine pratices. lol, I hope someone gets mad about my H1N1 lab stuff above. People get so defensive when something sounds outlandish and questions what we're fed. |
______________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 3:02pm - Joe Liberal ""] Interesting read, but Hoser you're still just a jackass with no original thoughts or ideas. |
_______________________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 9:05pm - OUR FOOD YOUR GULLET ""] Yeti said: i blame advertisements. they are bleeding the life from everyone. i haven't had cable in years, i don't ever watch it, and whenever i see an advertisement online or on a billboard, i feel physically ill. i don't care what it's advertising, its never anything more than fast food, drugs, cars or beauty products. all people are told all day and night when they are glued to that idiot box is how fat, depressed, and unhappy they are with their lives. here, take these LEGAL drugs to make you happy. BUT DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TAKING ILLEGAL DRUGS, WE ARE A DRUG-FREE SOCIETY!! PULLED PORK SANDWICHES SLOPPIER THAN YOUR PROM DATE!!!!!!!!!!! OUR FOOOOOOOOOODDDD YOURRR GULLLETTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! |
_______________________________________________ [Jul 27,2010 9:08pm - OUR FOOD YOUR GULLET ""] OUR FOOD YOUR GULLET! [img] |
____________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 6:58am - Hoser_NLI ""] Joe%20Liberal said:Interesting read, but Hoser you're still just a jackass with no original thoughts or ideas. I'm not paid to have original thoughts or ideas...I just thought that it was an interesting read. |
___________________________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 8:43am - RiiidddasofDooooommmkhed ""] Fuck off all governments, Anarchy in the U.S.A! NH secede! |
___________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:17am - arktouros ""] ShadowSD said: NEWS FLASH: When rich guys start talking about freedom, they're talking about THEIRS, not yours. well said guys...and so it has been since those romantic Federalist Papers that apparently conservatives are "studying"...please. THIS is the best summary of the Obama presidency yet. There's a reason the term "Corporate America" is thrown around so much and anybody that is okay with the fact that defense spending is billions more than every other country in the world COMBINED, anybody that thinks the president has enough power to ruin the country within 2 years, anybody that doesn't think a deadlocked, bribed congress, isn't at fault is a fucking MORON. They wish to turn the middle class into slaves without pensions and keep the profits. The essence of American conservatism. |
___________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:19am - arktouros ""] Also THIS is extremely relevant - Barney Frank and Ron Paul call for massive reduction in military spending. |
_________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:20am - Doomkid ""] Obama made 26 pages of campaign promises? No wonder so many people are so mad that they're not getting what they want. |
____________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:29am - arilliusbm ""] Only the Bilderbergers are real |
___________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:33am - arktouros ""],_1980 |
_________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:35am - RustyPS ""] brian_dc said:Politics is like the Thriller Dance. The approval of the country tends to sway with each election cycle: Left - Right - Left - Left - Right - Left -Right - Right and so on And deep down everyone involved is actually dead.this sums up how I feel about the American political system |
___________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:37am - arktouros ""] It's more like R L R R L R L L to me. |
___________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:45am - Slag NLI ""] ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A |
____________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:49am - arilliusbm ""] Instead of swaying left and right, we should be climbing ladders instead. |
____________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:50am - arilliusbm ""] the revolutions ways shall be noted as IDDQD and IDKFA |
_________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 9:52am - Doomkid ""] ↑, ↓, ←, →, hold A, start |
_____________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 10:01am - porphyria ""] I stopped reading after he threw in the Hitler comparison, assuming nothing else would be anything original other than complete fucking retarded bullshit. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 10:04am - porphyria ""] [img] |
___________________________________ [Jul 28,2010 10:20am - ShadowSD ""] arktouros said:THIS is the best summary of the Obama presidency yet. Everybody reading this thread should save their time and forget all the other articles and links and just read this one thing if nothing else; that says it all. Here's just one fact in there I didn't know about - remember those untouchable Swiss bank accounts we've always heard about our entire lives? It's in Switzerland and they're neutral, so no one can do anything about the rich stashing their money there and not paying taxes while everyone has to, right? Not anymore. In February, the Swiss bank UBS, under an agreement with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), admitted to allowing U.S. citizens to illegally hide taxable income abroad. In August, under pressure from the United States to release the names of the account holders or face criminal charges, the bank turned over the names of 4,450 American clients whom the IRS suspects of tax evasion. By November, after reports of the IRS crackdown began to circulate, the IRS reported that it now has information on over 14,700 previously undisclosed offshore bank accounts. Meanwhile, in April, following the meeting of the G20 leaders in London, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group that represents 30 wealthier, industrialized countries, issued a list of countries that are failing to comply with the established tax information exchange standards. Stephen Timms, the financial secretary to the Treasury, said that he expects "there to be sanctions against countries that don't sign up [to the OECD standards]. In May, the White House released a detailed outline of how the president seeks to curb the growth of offshore tax havens. Among other steps, the plan calls for the hiring of 800 additional IRS international enforcement agents, increasing the penalties on individuals who fail to report overseas income, extending the statue of limitations, and requiring foreign financial institutions that have dealings with the United States to sign an agreement with the IRS to become a "Qualified Intermediary" and share as much information about their U.S. customers as U.S. financial institutions do. Finally, in June Reps. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., and Richard E. Neal, D-Mass., introduced the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2009. The bill increases the penalties on individuals who fail to report overseas income, reforms the reporting requirements for accountants and financial advisers who help U.S. citizens acquire foreign entities, and puts pressure on foreign institutions to report the names of all U.S. account holders to the IRS. This is real proof that the rich do not like Obama and the threat he poses to the hold they've had on both parties in Washington for decades. |