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2nd Guitarist and Basses needed!!!!!!

[May 4,2004 9:46pm - XSincethesunriseX ""]
2nd guitarist and bassist needed for a band in western mass..... we have many different influences, we play metal/metalcore/grind stuff... maybe not exactly on with the genre but you get the picture.... very open minded and open to new ideas....
Looking for people perferably with experience, their own equipment, and transportation.... please let us know..... if you want a sample song contact me and I can send you one, but its very shitty quilty... but you can get an idea from it at least
[May 4,2004 10:30pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
how many basses do you need?
[May 5,2004 10:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]

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