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anyone play guitar?

[May 11,2004 11:05pm - Christraper ""]
WARSCYTHE (ex sorcery) are looking for a second guitar player. Let me know if anyone's interested.
[May 11,2004 11:12pm - Aegathis ""]
let me no a little more about warscythe, where are you located and what style metal.
[May 11,2004 11:47pm - christraper ""]
atmospheric black/thrash from providence. used to be called sorcery
[May 12,2004 8:33am - the_reverend ""]
their demo sounded like crap, but it was good stuff.
raw black metal.
[May 12,2004 10:00am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
what's a guitar?
[May 12,2004 4:16pm - retzam ""]
I blay sitar, weel that do??
[May 12,2004 5:16pm - powerkok ""]
[May 12,2004 7:32pm - Christraper ""]
wow, the imput is overwhelming.....
[May 12,2004 11:02pm - aegathis ""]
sounds interesting, but i live on the cape. a little too far from providence.
[May 13,2004 1:00am - silky ""]
if you need a boss kazoo player give me a jingle
[May 13,2004 1:09am - RustedAngel ""]
just played my guitar, w00t
[May 13,2004 1:16am - Terence ""]
i am a guitar.
[May 13,2004 1:25am - RustedAngel ""]
i can use my dong as a bass guitar.
[May 13,2004 1:34am - the_reverend ""]
hey kids, stop all the downloading.
[May 13,2004 6:46pm - retzam ""]
i'm a computah
[May 13,2004 8:19pm - Christraper ""]
you guys suck.....
[May 13,2004 9:00pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
retzam said:i'm a computah



Who wants a Body massage?

[May 13,2004 11:24pm - Aegathis ""]
"Oh you boys look so lovely in your little outfits" (In a very gay voice)
[May 13,2004 11:26pm - retzam ""]
Body massage machine GO!

Body massage.
[May 14,2004 12:13am - Christraper ""]
body massaaaaaage.......
[May 14,2004 1:17am - tbone_r ""]
don't try to chime in and pretend the comments don't hurt. this thread has hurt your feelings, go cry
[May 14,2004 2:59pm - retzam ""]
"For me, it was like a return to the womb.
I was absorbed by Mother Ocean, in all her wondrous glory.
The sea is a symphony of color.
Yet, there is danger at every turn.
She is a fierce and fickle mistress."

"Hey you, shut your fry hole!"

"Aww, poop"
[May 14,2004 6:31pm - christraper ""]
whats feelings boner? go hug your pillow and listen to your emo records :middlefinger:
[May 14,2004 9:43pm - niccolai ""]
Please god no.. not the finger .GIF!
[May 15,2004 2:04am - tbone_r ""]
you got me chris, wicked emo, that's me. and after i hug my pillow im gonna make you bite it
[Oct 1,2004 12:36am - christbomb ""]
I play guitar and live in the boston area e-mail me more info at twizttidsk8er@aol.com

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