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By order of the Reverand...

[May 14,2004 10:55am - snowwhitesuicide ""]
I was instructed to share the following with all of you:


[May 14,2004 11:00am - Josh_hates_you ""]
look out everybody its negroes..............................hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[May 14,2004 11:11am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
wow that wasnt very funny at all... who's The Reverand?
[May 14,2004 11:29am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I like to eat poison

haha this is awesome
[May 14,2004 11:50am - snowwhitesuicide ""]
Spaldino...who do you think the reverand is...I'll give you a hint, he made this website.
[May 14,2004 11:59am - deadhooker ""]
haha invite your best friend over and then we'll beat him to death witha pipe and say that your unle molested you...priceless
[May 14,2004 12:00pm - deadhooker ""]
omg, the pills, the pills, love that!
[May 14,2004 12:04pm - snowwhitesuicide ""]
faggot faggot
[May 14,2004 12:10pm - deadhooker ""]
I like to eat poison

haha this is awesome

[May 14,2004 1:34pm - Abbath ""]
ya this is hillarious
all people from poland suck
black people are lazy
hahahaha he speaks the truth!
[May 14,2004 2:32pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
snowwhitesuicide said:Spaldino...who do you think the reverand is...I'll give you a hint, he made this website.

either you are super sarcastic or super retarded and did not get spaldino's point.........reverEnd
[May 14,2004 3:09pm - retzam ""]
I want my life back.
[May 14,2004 3:14pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i wish i had a life in the first place
[May 14,2004 6:28pm - Kalopsia ""]
snowwhitesuicide said:Spaldino...who do you think the reverand is...I'll give you a hint, he made this website.

i'm pretty sure what spaldino meant was who is the reverAnd? his name was mispelled so he was being sarcastic.
[May 14,2004 6:39pm - Dissector ""]
IF you ever see a midget, imediately stop whatever you're doing and stare.

I don't have genitals, just liek your father! haha
[May 14,2004 11:41pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[May 15,2004 12:51pm - deadhooker ""]
that has never stopped you before
[May 15,2004 12:54pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[May 15,2004 3:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm pretty sure pam and spaldino had it out on the top 5 mass bands thread.
I still like them both and would love to morph them together to see what their baby would look like

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