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FOR SALE: Peavey TVX410 Bass Cab (8ohms)

[Jan 31,2011 9:37am - timma ""]
Selling this on Craiglist, here's the listing if you're interested.


I'm trying to flip this thing to pick up another cab sooner than later, so it needs to go ASAP.

$300 o.b.o.
[Jan 31,2011 9:41am - blue ""]
Ooooohhhhh shit

Someone hop on this, solid cab that's been well kept. The thing even does your laundry.
[Jan 31,2011 9:42am - timma ""]
And free casual handjobs, if you talk it nice-like.

EDIT: No ZJs, though. So don't even ask.
[Jan 31,2011 11:15am - brodown ""]
"If you have to ask, you can't afford it."
[Jan 31,2011 11:27am - timma ""]
[Jan 31,2011 4:06pm - timma ""]
[Feb 5,2011 11:52am - timma ""]
New cab purchased, this thing needs to go immediatley.

$220 OBO
[Feb 5,2011 1:07pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
Use both. Dammit.
[Feb 5,2011 1:38pm - timma ""]
I can't, ritard.
[Feb 5,2011 1:39pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
Don't be so negative.
[Feb 5,2011 1:46pm - timma ""]
I don't enjoy using put-downs. YOU DID THIS.
[Feb 5,2011 1:53pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
Hello sir, I am interested in purchasing your $220 oboe. When is a convenient time for me to check it out?
[Feb 5,2011 2:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only flesh clarinets and skin flutes are in stock at this time.
[Feb 5,2011 2:20pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
i can has cab, pls?

interested, I just probably couldn't pick it up until tomorrow.
[Feb 5,2011 3:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
You at the Sound Museum?
[Feb 6,2011 9:24am - timma ""]
Yes sir I am. And we are practicing today so that's even moar splendid. You wanna check it out?
[Feb 6,2011 10:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

PM me, bro.
[Feb 6,2011 11:36am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
4 cereal

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