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Upgrading from Dos 5.0 to win7

[Mar 3,2011 12:54pm - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 3,2011 1:01pm - brian_dc ""]

I'll watch it for real, I guess.
[Mar 3,2011 1:46pm - brian_dc ""]
I enjoyed the "twatface" username
[Mar 3,2011 1:47pm - xmikex ""]
What awful tacky lives we all led.
[Mar 3,2011 2:18pm - Mutis ""]
Only Microshaft Winblows is real.
[Mar 3,2011 2:33pm - RustyPS ""]
Am I enough of a nerd that I'll watch all 10 minutes of this video when I get home from work today? Probably
[Mar 3,2011 3:55pm - ShadowSD ""]
Black screen and C:/ prompt or GTFO.
[Mar 3,2011 4:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 3,2011 5:29pm - reimroc ""]
brb playing privateer
[Mar 4,2011 1:48am - Boozegood ""]
That was great and suprising. I am impressed actually to be honest.

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