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Take your cock out of my ass so I can smell the tip

[Apr 7,2011 8:08pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
Take your cock out of my ass so I can smell the tip.
[Apr 7,2011 8:09pm - W3 nli  ""]
But do you love my fat cock? Its short butt nice and thick and I know it feels good in you because I had one in my ass just like it b4.
[Apr 7,2011 8:10pm - zyklon ""]
You're faggot so....
[Apr 7,2011 8:15pm - Failtroll  ""]
fail troll fails
[Apr 7,2011 8:18pm - Failtroll  ""]
But I have to admit you two guys are gay.
[Apr 7,2011 9:38pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
while were at it: [img]
[Apr 7,2011 9:52pm - Pires ""]
I thought that show got cancelled?
[Apr 8,2011 2:36pm - W3 nli  ""]
Sweet deal.
[Apr 8,2011 2:47pm - Botorious N.I.G.  ""]
A nice warm penis is one of life's greatest joys. - Helen Keller
[Apr 8,2011 4:03pm - Goatrider ""]

and check your email, Jonah.
[Apr 8,2011 5:05pm - W3 nli  ""]
I am a handsome devil

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