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Yeti pot

[Apr 8,2011 1:17pm - Yeti ""]

Congratulations! Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
[Apr 8,2011 1:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Apr 8,2011 2:30pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Somehow I knew my thread would spawn something like this.


[Apr 8,2011 2:32pm - dreadkill ""]
does yeti pot cure sinus infections? can i buy one from you at the aprils 14ths the metals thursdays?
[Apr 8,2011 2:33pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Apr 8,2011 2:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

dreadkill said:does yeti pot cure sinus infections? can i buy one from you at the aprils 14ths the metals thursdays?

only tonsillitis without tonsils is real

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