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Grind/Death band looking for a vocalist and keyboards

[Apr 18,2011 4:32pm - NESTCRUNCHER  ""]
Hey guys, we are NESTCRUNCHER from Lowell, MA. We are a grind band with death metal influences and we are searching for the final pieces to solidify our line up and take this shit to the next level.

We are currently in search of a vocalist and keyboard player.

-must have a good vocal range (both highs and lows)
-must have reliable transportation
-pro attitude
-willing to contribute to band rent and merch

-must have a good vocal range (both highs and lows)
-must have reliable transportation
-pro attitude
-willing to contribute to band rent and merch

Our influences include Pig Destroyer, Phobia, Brutal Truth, and HateBeak.


email us at NESTCRUNCHERGRIND (at) GMAIL (dot) COM

^ if you cant figure that out, dont even bother.
[Apr 18,2011 4:48pm - nekronaut ""]
I see what you did there.
[Apr 18,2011 5:01pm - aaron_michael ""]
I found the missing chink(s) to your chain!
[Apr 18,2011 5:11pm - NESTCRUNCHER  ""]

aaron_michael said:I found the missing chink(s) to your chain!

Sorry but i have a feeling that William Chung is a little too Asian for us. we were hoping to have a fine young Asian gentleman with respect and manners. you know, someone who enjoy's getting hair cuts just like zee FUHRER.
[Apr 18,2011 5:15pm - aaron_michael ""]
dude.... c'mon.
[Apr 18,2011 5:18pm - NESTCRUNCHER  ""]
ALSO, for anyone interested.

we are also open to the idea of having an Asian Keyboard player who can also handle vocal duties.

However, if you dont have an ironic asian mustache dont even bother applying.
[Apr 18,2011 5:26pm - NESTCRUNCHER  ""]
We just really want to get out there and just start playing shows if anyone can help us out we would really appreciate it. we had an offer from Zack Wells to play a Born of Fire date with Whitey but we couldnt get our shit together in time
[Apr 18,2011 6:58pm - AMOROK666 ""]
Nestcruncher ontheshit split 7" or you're a towel!!!
[Apr 18,2011 7:01pm - NESTCRUNCHER  ""]
they already offered us to do a split but we told them to get fucked.
[Apr 19,2011 7:29am - jeanette  ""]
paging yuqi hu / chillywillywongaface
[Apr 19,2011 12:43pm - WEBDESTROYER  ""]
legit belly laugh out of NESTCRUNCHER
[Apr 19,2011 1:23pm - Goatrider ""]
[Mar 15,2012 11:28am - Seth  ""]
this was uncalled for!
[Mar 15,2012 11:30am - Josh_Martin ""]
I am assuming the OP is a troll. Grind + keyboards????? Thats like guy's ass + penis

[Oct 12,2012 4:21pm - Yuqi Hu  ""]
[Oct 12,2012 4:33pm - Mark_R ""]
nestcruncher was some of the funnier recent trolling around here

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