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MASS GOP candidate says Illegal immigrant rape victims deserve it.

[Jun 9,2011 11:07pm - ridahsofdizoom  ""]

Yeah, so basically commit all crimes against economic refugees in America because of American corporations and puppet dictators fucking up the third world forced them here, and it is legal.

he also believes that Anchor babies, aka legal US citizens, should be deported with their parents.

in before supposedly anti-mainstream thinkers support "the law" as the holy of holies.
[Jun 9,2011 11:28pm - burnsy ""]
Lol at economic refugees. But illegals work harder than most of the lazy fucks I know.
[Jun 9,2011 11:40pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Went to school with this kid, grade A dipshit
[Jun 9,2011 11:49pm - AMOROK666 ""]
Did he get picked on all the time for being named fattman?
[Jun 10,2011 12:42am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

AMOROK666 said:Did he get picked on all the time for being named fattman?

my mind, ur readin it
[Jun 10,2011 1:02am - Lamp ""]
He's looking out for the dicks of his bros, what a classy dude, A++++++++ politician
[Jun 10,2011 1:34am - Sacreligion ""]
When did we become a red state? I think it was when country crept over the Mason-Dixon line.
[Jun 10,2011 2:14am - Pires ""]
"Mr. Fattman" sounds like a comic book villain.
[Jun 10,2011 4:30am - Randy_Marsh ""]

burnsy said:Lol at economic refugees. But illegals work harder than most of the lazy fucks I know.

yeah but dont you support the arizona immigration law?
[Jun 10,2011 7:18am - thirdknuckle ""]
for the record, nowhere in that article does he say illegals deserve to be raped. Just sayin'
[Jun 10,2011 10:02am - Machete ""]
He doesn't have to "say" it but it's what he meant. He's a piece of shit.
[Jun 10,2011 10:11am - largefreakatzero ""]
You'd think that such an incredibly jewy individual would be a bit more tolerant.
[Jun 10,2011 10:12am - burnsy ""]

Randy_Marsh said:
burnsy said:Lol at economic refugees. But illegals work harder than most of the lazy fucks I know.

yeah but dont you support the arizona immigration law?

Yes... What's your point? It seems that you're implying that supporting the illegal immigration law in AZ and recognizing that illegal immigrants most likely work much harder than most people I know is hypocritical. Disagreed.
[Jun 10,2011 10:20am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

thirdknuckle said:for the record, nowhere in that article does he say illegals deserve to be raped. Just sayin'

This. After reading, I actually agree with his position.

Thread title is skewed and dramatic. If they were here legally they would have the full backing of the US constitution and court system. Illegally, they're just soaking resources, and they don't have any right to them. And yes, in the case of an assault, it may be heartbreaking, but it's the way it should be. If they don't like the potential consequences (or lack thereof) they shouldn't come here.

But then you look at the fetid shitholes they're coming from, and I also can't really blame them. It's a calculated risk they take, and one that pays off often enough to make it worthwhile to them.

Still doesn't mean we should just roll over and allow it. They just pulled a brazillian out of the attic at my condo place. Brazillions owned/rented a top floor unit with attic access. They foreclosed and moved out. About 6 months to a year later, a nice little lady bought the unit. After another few months of living there, she started hearing noises at night. Also, she started noticing food missing when she came home every day. Finally one day, she had her son stop by - found a brazillian sitting on her couch, watching her t.v., eating her food. He'd been living on a mattress in the attic. He had light, electricity, everything up there. And during the day he's sneak down, use her bathroom, and eat her food.

Point is, if that guy managed to get himself gangraped while hiding in my attic? I really wouldn't feel so bad for him either.

TLDR - I put the funny story in BOLD> If you read nothing else, read that. It will LULZ you.
[Jun 10,2011 11:07am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I have a Brazillion dollars
[Jun 10,2011 11:20am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:I have a Brazillion dollars


I'd blame autocorrect, but I actually posted that from my PC.
[Jun 10,2011 12:19pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Was the Brazilian living in your condo's attic named Anderson Francisco by any chance?
[Jun 10,2011 12:37pm - orktourass  ""]
Wow, this Mr. Fattman and everyone in this thread is forgetting the 14th Amendment.

I sincerely believe people running for public office should pass a test on the fucking US Constitution.

[Jun 10,2011 12:41pm - orktourass  ""]
the law protects anyone in it's jurisdiction. look, we already know if you're rich then the law doesn't apply to you. but if we start picking and choosing who the law protects, and elect fucking morons that don't know a thing about public law, ....oh wait. fuck.
[Jun 10,2011 12:59pm - orktourass  ""]

burnsy said:Yes... What's your point?

shame, burnsy.

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

there is no stopping illegal immigrants from coming here because we can't change conditions across the border. make them citizens, TAX them, give them jobs. the AZ law won't do anything to stop immigration, it's just more bureaucracy geared toward dehumanizing mexicans.

[Jun 10,2011 1:12pm - burnsy ""]
We'd forever butt heads on this issue. Seems to me that the SB1070 makes inquiring about and determining ones immigration status part of the "due process of law." I have no problem with that. Even with changing the process of becoming a citizen, illegal immigration will still be a problem. People will come here and not WANT to be on the grid. Like Arrowhead said, when here illegally, they're soaking resources.

Give them jobs? Sounds like a pipe dream, my man. We can't employ people that are already citizens.
[Jun 10,2011 1:16pm - thirdknuckle ""]

burnsy said:People will come here and not WANT to be on the grid.

Give them jobs? Sounds like a pipe dream, my man. We can't employ people that are already citizens.

[Jun 10,2011 1:18pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
i'm torn on it because of my position on state rights. you're right about the unemployment issue. but i think something that would almost solve the problem of immigration completely is ending the drug war. for one thing that would seriously help mexico's situation.
[Jun 10,2011 1:37pm - brian_dc ""]
I hope that fucker enjoys having his food spit on in every restaurant that hires illegal immigrants as staff (read as, "pretty much every restaurant")
[Jun 10,2011 4:33pm - i_am_not_me ""]

Pires said:"Mr. Fattman" sounds like a comic book villain.

I'd always be asking him where Jake was.
[Jun 10,2011 4:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
the real controversy here is implying domestic rape victims DON'T deserve it, obv.

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