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Jul 17 (Sun) - Hivesmasher, JBvsDLP, Pathogenic, Slumlord Beauty, A Fucking Elephant (NJ), El Drugstore (NJ) - Vegas Lounge (Lunenburg, MA)

This Sunday: Hivesmasher, Jack Burton vs. David Lo Pan, and MORE

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Jul 13,2011 12:32pm - aaron_michael ""]

Jack Burton vs David Lo Pan
Slumlord Beauty
A Fucking Elephant (on tour from NJ)
El Drugstore (on tour from NJ, members of Biclops/East of The Wall)

Sunday, July 17 · 4:00pm

Vegas Lounge
5 Summer St
Lunenburg, Massachusetts

[Jul 13,2011 12:42pm - mattvc ""]
[Jul 13,2011 3:48pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
dammit I wish I could go to this!
[Jul 13,2011 5:08pm - BradsauceNLI  ""]
We played with A Fucking Elephant a few years back in New Jersey. Killer two piece and they had a chick painting live while they played. She painted a scary lobster. It was keen.
[Jul 13,2011 9:51pm - t2daeeknli  ""]
unless they do that painting shit all the time, i think i played that show too. the one where they had that crazy tune which took them about 6 tries to make it past the first riff?
[Jul 14,2011 9:27am - BradsauceNLI  ""]
Yeah they did!!! Was this like 2 years back? It was when we were out with Phantom Glue. Marchish 2009?
[Jul 15,2011 5:53am - mattvc ""]
bump for this weekend. Rockin the suburbs. Bring your moms.
[Jul 16,2011 8:50am - aaron_michael ""]
[Jul 16,2011 3:30pm - t2daeek ""]

BradsauceNLI said:Yeah they did!!! Was this like 2 years back? It was when we were out with Phantom Glue. Marchish 2009?

i think so. i have the flyer on my wall at home. "the hive smashers" epic first and last show.
[Jul 17,2011 12:01pm - sever ""]
[Jul 18,2011 9:12am - t2daeek ""]

t2daeek said:
BradsauceNLI said:Yeah they did!!! Was this like 2 years back? It was when we were out with Phantom Glue. Marchish 2009?

i think so. i have the flyer on my wall at home. "the hive smashers" epic first and last show.

it was a different show. haha. around the same time though.
[Jul 20,2011 9:13am - aaronmichaelNLI  ""]
[Jul 20,2011 9:20am - mattvc ""]
[Jul 20,2011 9:24am - RustyPS ""]
hahahaha amazing
[Jul 20,2011 9:33am - mattvc ""]
I'm not sure "break in" is the correct phrase. God forbid I pull on a door handle to see if it's open.
[Jul 20,2011 10:15am - aaron_michael ""]

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