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Dave Grohl ejects a fighting kumkwat from the show

[Jul 13,2011 10:18pm - Alx_Casket ""]

[Jul 13,2011 10:35pm - nekronaut ""]
Yeah saw this earlier.. Awesome.
[Jul 14,2011 8:54am - largefreakatzero ""]
Whatever, doesn't make the Foo Fighters any less terrible.
[Jul 14,2011 9:00am - the_reverend ""]
where is the kumkwat?
[Jul 14,2011 9:01am - arilliusbm ""]
Sounds like he owns the show. Its HIS show after all.

Get off your high horse faggot, bring back Kurt from the dead and go back to drumming.
[Jul 14,2011 9:11am - the_reverend ""]
I thought the same thing, it's the fan's show, not his.
[Jul 14,2011 10:09am - timma ""]
I love how he tells people to "fuckin shut up", calls the guy an asshole again, and then proceeds to sing the pussiest song ever.
[Jul 14,2011 10:11am - Alx_Casket ""]
^exactly. mad lolz at the end of the video were had
[Jul 14,2011 10:32am - AndrewBastard ""]

timma said:I love how he tells people to "fuckin shut up", calls the guy an asshole again, and then proceeds to sing the pussiest song ever.

hahah seriously.

I love Nirvana..i cant help it..i grew up with it and i respect Grohl as a musician etc and so fourth but I fucking cant stand Foo Fighters...its just generic-faggy radio rock; nothing really setting it apart or making it stand out or memorable...they're un-good.

[Jul 14,2011 10:33am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
They have some well-written material and Dave is an excellent frontman/performer...but I agree with most of what is said in this thread and probably will never pay to go to a show. I would def check out a show though if I had free tix or whatever.
[Jul 14,2011 10:36am - Yeti ""]
agreed with AndrewBastew. if you weren't an angsty lad when Nirvana was around, you can't understand them. Grohl wasn't the most talented drummer, but he was perfect for what he did. his drum tone is amazing. but Foo Fighters are horrendous.
[Jul 14,2011 10:41am - AndrewBastard ""]
[Jul 14,2011 10:41am - Ancient Master  ""]
not to mention the kid he called out was prob fighting another kid who was callin the foo fighters fags, so he was prob calling his own fan an asshole
[Jul 14,2011 10:41am - the_reverend ""]
nirvana are m'eh. thumbs down to grohl and the foo fighters suck ass.
[Jul 14,2011 10:42am - Ancient Master  ""]
hey what about his "metal" cred? probot...
[Jul 14,2011 10:44am - Yeti ""]
actually the one song i like that has Grohl singing is "Goodbye Lament" from the Tony Iommi solo album.
[Jul 14,2011 10:45am - Yeti ""]

[Jul 14,2011 10:49am - The_Rooster ""]
Yeah, Foo Fighters are not my thing, but what they do, they do very well. Grohl seems like a solid dude, from what I've read, heard, seen.

I don't think any band should have to stand idle while some douchebag is distracting the audience, or affecting another fans ability to enjoy themselves.
[Jul 14,2011 10:51am - The_Rooster ""]

the_reverend said:I thought the same thing, it's the fan's show, not his.

Isn't it kinda 50/50? I mean, when I play, I do it as much for myself as the people who are their to see us. Probably more, actually. Granted, we're not a huge arena rock band.
[Jul 14,2011 10:52am - GregD-blessedoffal ""]
[Jul 14,2011 11:06am - Josh_hates_you ""]

Ancient%20Master said:hey what about his "metal" cred? probot...

considering how much different all the songs are and the fact that he played most all the instuments himself, pretty impressive. but seriously if you get to the level of success that dave has it's a no brainer to make an album with all your childhood heroes when you get a chance. be jealous you didn't get to do a song with lemmy.
[Jul 14,2011 11:10am - buttfuck  ""]
i remember reading a article where dave g was littlerally crying and saying.. chuck did all the right things in life he didnt deserve ittttttt haha
[Jul 14,2011 11:12am - arilliusbm ""]
I still love Nirvana.
[Jul 14,2011 11:14am - arilliusbm ""]
bleach is a classic.
[Jul 14,2011 11:31am - Alx_Casket ""]
If I were Grohl, I'd prefer people in the crowd to fight while I sing pussy rock hits. At least it would keep the music interesting to me as the musician.
[Jul 14,2011 11:45am - hauptpflucker ""]
I like the Foo Fighters. I have lots of respect for Dave Grohl. And as for calling out douchebaggery in an attempt to allow the majority of show goers the chance to enjoy themselves, good for him.
[Jul 14,2011 11:47am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
not nearly as bad as when Dickinson bitched out some poor lad for smoking a joint during the Maiden show I went to a few years ago. that was horseshit.
[Jul 14,2011 11:48am - hauptpflucker ""]
Yeah that would be total bullshittery
[Jul 14,2011 11:48am - SLAAAAG NLI  ""]
more Nirvana love here. Unplugged was a favorite.
[Jul 14,2011 12:02pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
much respect for dave and nirvana unplugged, which is all nauseating to my ears today.
[Jul 14,2011 1:29pm - narkybark ""]
Thought all of them were overrated at the start. At least Kurt agreed with me.
[Jul 14,2011 3:34pm - niggerfaggot  ""]

AndrewBastard said:
timma said:I love how he tells people to "fuckin shut up", calls the guy an asshole again, and then proceeds to sing the pussiest song ever.

hahah seriously.

I love Nirvana..i cant help it..i grew up with it and i respect Grohl as a musician etc and so fourth but I fucking cant stand Foo Fighters...its just generic-faggy radio rock; nothing really setting it apart or making it stand out or memorable...they're un-good.


The very first foo fighters album that was recorded solo by Grohl is actually pretty damn good.
[Jul 14,2011 3:44pm - brian_dc ""]
he did some good as work on that QOTSA album, too.
[Jul 14,2011 3:52pm - ShadowSD ""]
I don't like Nirvana and don't particularly care for the Foo Fighters, aside from a couple rare OK parts here and there.

I am neutral on kumkwats, however - so I don't know WHAT to think.
[Jul 14,2011 3:53pm - Carina~at~work  ""]
you guys are player haters!
[Jul 14,2011 3:55pm - ShadowSD ""]
I've always been partial to CPU, Carina, you've got me. Player 1 can go to hell, I hate that asshole.
[Jul 14,2011 4:07pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
[Jul 14,2011 4:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haters gon hate
[Jul 15,2011 12:07am - the_reverend ""]
Man, qotsa sucks
[Jul 15,2011 12:35am - LucidCurse ""]
[Oct 4,2011 12:54am - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Oct 4,2011 1:03am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Foo Fighters is more legit than Black Twilight Circle
[Oct 4,2011 8:01pm - xmikex ""]
I never got the whole get butthurt because a fight broke out during your set thing. Maybe somebody was out of line, and the guy throwing punches was just defending himself. You don't know that from up on stage. Just stfu play a song and let it blow over especially if you're big enough to have security at your shows.

I've probably told this story on here before but that Mr. Potatohead looking retard from Bane used to make a career out of calling people out for fighting during Bane sets. He'd do the whole "you wanna fight somebody, fight me" routine and then Chris Barnes it off into the sunset when someone actually would come looking for him.
[Oct 4,2011 8:25pm - Lamp ""]
I unfortunately had to sit through a Reign Supreme set one time at a show I went to down in Orlando and their vocalist did the EXACT same thing on stage, not sure how he reacted if someone tried to find him though.
[Oct 4,2011 8:27pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Dude from Bane is as ugly as the day is long
[Oct 4,2011 9:11pm - yummy ""]
I remember seeing 25 ta life at the old met and the band stopped playing 3 or 4 times because of the numerous fights and then again at the AS220. Strength through unity.
[Oct 4,2011 9:26pm - Lamp ""]
Haha, a 25 Ta Life show at AS220? Times sure have changed!
[Oct 4,2011 10:56pm - xmikex ""]
I've seen 25 Ta Life have to stop their sets plenty of times for fights, but in all fairness Rick was maybe the only dude I ever saw that would consistently get off the stage to break up a fight. I've really never seen anything else like it. Say what you want about Rick (it's all there) but it doesn't take much to sell out 2 of your fans to fool the rest into thinking you actually give a shit. It's another thing to put yourself at risk to keep a show from getting shut down.

People used to fight during BBA sets sometimes. The only thing Frank ever had to say about it was "It's your scene. If you want to ruin it I won't stop you." And that was in between songs. We never ever once stopped playing because of a fight.

Also It Dies Today were the biggest fight babies and phonies in the entire world.
[Oct 4,2011 11:14pm - Lamp ""]
I would support fighting at shows if it erupted into a big West Side Story style rumble in the middle of the pit, all the slick greasers with their leather jackets, ill dance moves, and their knives while some mean grind played.
[Oct 5,2011 5:14am - frankovhell  ""]
I much prefered the video of nikki sixx calling the security guard at his own show a nigger.

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