New track from upcoming KRUDS / RAMPANT DECAY split 7" due out on PATAC RECORDS[views:19342][posts:11]____________________________________ [Jul 26,2011 6:21pm - RichHorror ""] Ripoff thread. [img] |
_________________________________ [Jul 26,2011 7:03pm - Ripoff ""] Wow that is not worth $5 and untalented. |
____________________________________ [Jul 26,2011 7:05pm - RichHorror ""] I STILL HAVE YOUR TWENTY BUCKS |
____________________________________ [Jul 26,2011 7:05pm - RichHorror ""] YOU CAN'T DO A BLAST BEAT |
______________________________ [Jul 26,2011 8:59pm - Lamp ""] The thumb points upwards |
________________________________ [Jul 27,2011 9:39am - xmikex ""] Heard some yesterday. Guitar tone sounds nice and ugly. |
________________________________________ [Jul 27,2011 10:13am - AndrewBastard ""] make shirts with that RxDx logo...NOW.... NICE AND BIG |
_____________________________________ [Jul 27,2011 11:44am - RichHorror ""] It's a goodun. That kid might do the art for the full length. |
_______________________________________ [Jul 27,2011 1:36pm - AndrewBastard ""] get that faggy vegan fix'd gear bike outta there... but yeah, I dig that logo |
____________________________________ [Jul 27,2011 2:50pm - RichHorror ""] It's in there because the owner of it is getting rightfully murdered in this pictorial. |
____________________________________ [Sep 20,2011 2:06pm - RichHorror ""]–-split-ep/ Hitting hard, fast and with no thought of taking any prisoners, the split EP via PATAC / Blast-A-Lot from Rampant Decay and Kruds has no mercy. Through six tracks and an accumulated time falling short of ten minutes, the release makes strong men crumble and the meek run for the nearest corner to whimper and dribble insanely with their ears in their hands. The attack is swift, brief and leaves the listener in no doubt that they better hold tight as the hardcore outbursts within the EP show no mercy. From Providence, Rhode Island, Rampant Decay provides two tracks to wither the senses in “Political Lemmings” and “King Of The Trash”. Formed in 2007, the trio of vocalist Rich “Bam Bam” Horror, guitarist Pat “P.S.” Mahoney and drummer Pat “Buddy Jack” Singleton combine a varied mix of sick flavours to their hardcore sound, primarily punk but with seeping eruptions of crossover, metal, dirty, beer swilling rock, old school punk, and even a touch of oi can be heard. No stranger to split releases, recently having one with Insult that gained much acclaim, Rampant Decay’s tracks are the strongest on this release. Confident and sure handed they grab hold and beat up the ears with their brutal sound and intensity. “Political Lemmings” is the leader of the pack on the EP, a violent stomp that strikes relentlessly with killer riffs, battering rhythms, and gang vocals to echo in every punk’s heart. “King Of The Trash” flows close behind with equal power and ravaging effect. Lyrically, it is hard to know much as vocal delivery for both bands is trademark growls and gravelly screeches, but it all adds to the flavour. Experience does show as the main difference between the two bands: whereas Rampant Decay know what they want and how to get it, Kruds have a more desperate urgency to their sound, though it also is a positive bringing an eagerness that should never be denied. From Texas, the quartet of Gonzalez-Vocals, Carrasco-Guitar, Ramirez-Drums, Pollock-Bass/Vocals slam into the face harder than a truck, their hardcore/thrash violence coming with no frills. Raw and intense the tracks on the EP eat away at the ear like rusty acid, dirty and with harsh brevity. The band provide four tracks to the EP and, though the songs lack somewhat in having their own refined sound and direction, they more than show great promise for the band. Unfortunately up against Rampant Decay, and with an inferior production to their tracks, it does highlight more the areas that are less impressive than those that are. Despite that, though, “Hatchet Face” and “Advantage / Harlot” show the band has much to offer and are on the right track to make a big mark. This latest split EP is worth a moment of anyone’s time if they like a beat down from some effective hardcore/punk sounds, and with the release being a “buy now name your price” at there really is no excuse to spend a couple of dollars and get some good, raucous sounds. |
____________________________________ [Sep 20,2011 2:08pm - RichHorror ""] A split release of nonstop grind that hates just about every damn thing on the entire planet; 4 cuts from San Antonio, Texas’ ADD riddled crossover maniacs Kruds, and 2 from Providence, RI’s cutthroat crust grinders Rampant Decay. Nothing too fancy here, just pure methamphetamine thrills that’ll break your neck and hurdle your body before it falls to a lifeless lump on the ground. Kruds are a sonic meth-bender of pissed-off powerviolence that certainly calls to mind some of the bands on Slap A Ham, late 90s Relapse, and Prank. Sort of like Word Salad, Otophobia, and Benumb mutilated and haphazardly soldered back together. They can do unrelenting, trainwreck grind scummage with thrash-y breakdowns, light speed blasting, acrobatic bass interjections, and alternating screamed/vomited vocals (opener, “Hatchface,” “Dead Bent”), as well as they can that depth-charging, Midwestern crust/grind sound with the sludge-y, 16ish downshifts (the fire breathing epic, “Advantage-Harlot,” and it’s stinking landfill of Catheter reverence is a fine example). While I haven’t kept up with too much new grind lately, Kruds are definitely massaging my sweet spot, marking themselves on my map as a band to investigate further in the not so distant future. Providence’s Rampant Decay is less chaotic than Kruds, their introductory bruiser, “Political Lemmings” runs on an infinite supply of Motorhead and Discharge, throaty vocals erupting in violent outbursts (and later gang shouts) of alcoholic rage over downtuned, mid-tempo, rock n’ roll addled crust grooves; the riff heavy bulldozing only halted for two explosions of grinding, C-4 surge that definitely recall some of the work Nasum was doing on their hugely underrated Helvete. Tight blast beats cave ball sacks as the vocals enter warp speed in endless confrontation against the onslaught of fearlessly machine gun plucked, classic grind guitar riffs. Their second contribution, “King of the Trash,” is the stronger of their two cuts, carelessly throwing Motorhead, His Hero is Gone, Napalm Death, Discharge and Black Flag into a burlap sack, beating it repeatedly with a sledgehammer, and then stepping back to watch the bag pop, in a fantastic display of crusty confetti and greasy, intenstinal fortitude testing grind. Two stellar grind acts, one short split. If you’ve spent time collecting every Crimes Against Humanity, Prank, and Slap A Ham release, there’s no reason for you to miss out on this bargain priced little gem. Both bands bring their A-game, and their cavalier crust/grind/crossover antics were ass-kickingly good enough to make me say to myself, “Damn, I really need to get with the program on new grind acts these days,” job well done you pair of felching fuckers…you got me back on track! |