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CWAF-Continued Without a Finding-COPULATE video

[Aug 14,2011 2:39pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
we recorded this in May of 2007 in Tom's old house.


The tide is turning in a strange direction
Climbing up the wall 2000 feet
Crashing down below I hear the calling
The call to give away myself complete

Do I take the bait
And copulate

[Aug 14,2011 5:36pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Aug 14,2011 6:42pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I'd like some critiques of the recording. Tones, levels etc.

The process was hampered by cocaine and a shitty computer that wouldn't buffer correctly, so overdubs were painful and very difficult to keep in sync.
[Aug 14,2011 7:05pm - atwork  ""]
the cymbals sound crappy and the vocal panning is weird, but guitars are heavy and angry
[Aug 14,2011 7:05pm - atwork  ""]
actually, all the drums sound pretty bad, not the playing, just the recording of them
[Aug 14,2011 7:10pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i agree. we recorded it onto a tascam digital 8 track that could only record two tracks at a time. So we mixed a whole kit live to two tracks, worst experience ever. John Gillis is notorious for moving mics around....then we uploaded it into a PC to edit and neglected to save the original track, so the drums got eq'd and processed a billion times by Tom, then I tried to fix it so they sound at least listenable.
[Aug 15,2011 10:54am - KILLER KADERP  ""]
Other than that ride cymbal, GOLD.

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