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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Lamp.
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[QUOTE="Lamp:1244719"]I read this elsewhere and thought it was a very interesting point. [i]Scion targets 18-24 year old buyers, and has had THE MOST SUCCESSFUL BRAND LAUNCH IN THE HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICAN AUTO SALES. Scion uses alternative media to promote. Its not just metal, its garage, funk, electronic music, and other shit I hate. And the zines, shows, and records that they put out have helped them BREAK SALES RECORDS. THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING. Scion sells "incomplete" cars, and their marketing research has found that owners spend as much in the first 36 months of ownership to customize the car as to buy it. While people might think of it as FREE SHIT MAAAN, they are part of a larger machine that is working better than conventional advertising that is now ineffective on 18-24 year-olds. People might still look for that purse or jeans or watch or haircut that really lets the world know who their are, they have started to look for themselves to define that image instead of listening to advertising. So Scion has found a way to put its product into culture away from the mainstream and just let the consumer discover it. They don't think they are being sold anything, they think they found out about a car that is based on Toyota engineering (and is probably a smarter purchase than any new north american car). I think that most people could benefit from some media literacy, and its really disappointing that bands I really enjoy both musically and as people such as Magrudergrind, Noisear, Bastard Noise, Mind Eraser, Neurosis, Brutal Truth, and many others have signed on with this materialistic advertising juggernaut.[/i] I already had a deep anti-Scion stance that was hardened upon reading this. I'm personally of the notion that we should keep normal fucking people away from this type of music, that we should keep things DIY, and this hobby of mine should not be used to promote outside corporate interests whatsoever. If the culture behind all this means nothing to you then thanks for allowing folks like me who truly value being part of a subculture for and by weirdos designed to escape the normal path of life and the way normal people do things to be thrown under the bus by this empty gesture of false appreciation. Fuck you assholes.[/QUOTE]
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