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Dickhead dials 9/11 because his iPhone doesn't work

[Nov 15,2011 12:31pm - xmikex ""]
Hopefully not a repost:


jk don't care
[Nov 15,2011 12:33pm - Richard Cranium  ""]
That was me.
[Nov 15,2011 12:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
He dialed September 11th?
[Nov 15,2011 12:38pm - xmikex ""]
[Nov 15,2011 12:46pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Nov 15,2011 12:58pm - Yeti ""]
“Yes, I do. My emergency is my fucking phone don’t work.”
[Nov 15,2011 1:03pm - CurlyRed ""]
What about that shithead weatherman who got lost in the stow apple orchard and called 911. It isn't even that big of an orchard.
[Nov 15,2011 1:11pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

CurlyRed said:What about that shithead weatherman who got lost in the stow apple orchard and called 911. It isn't even that big of an orchard.
...or the corn maze
[Nov 15,2011 1:14pm - xmikex ""]

CurlyRed said:What about that shithead weatherman who got lost in the stow apple orchard and called 911. It isn't even that big of an orchard.

lul. I've been there. You're like 5 minutes from a petting zoo or a caramel apple stand at all times. link?
[Nov 15,2011 1:21pm - Yeti ""]
apple orchards are serious business.
[Nov 15,2011 2:06pm - CurlyRed ""]
lol rly srs bsns

[Nov 15,2011 2:10pm - the_reverend ""]
if his phone doesn't work...
[Nov 16,2011 9:12pm - burnsy ""]
This seriously sounds like Randy Marsh when she goes, "We're gonna send over an officer to help ya."......
"That's dumb."
[Nov 16,2011 9:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fucking idiots. they should of just transfered him to the apple customer service and made it their problem. although this shit is fucking hilarious.

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