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Anyone have any experience buying from Discogs.com?

[Dec 13,2011 6:45pm - xmikex ""]
I'm about to buy a used record off Discogs. Never purchased from there before. Thumbs up or girlfriend commerce?
[Dec 13,2011 7:05pm - xmikex ""]
Should I assume that the people viewing this without replying used to buy from discogs.com but then they took an arrow to the knee?
[Dec 13,2011 7:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
Once. No issues for me. But that was before I took an arrow in the knee.
[Dec 13,2011 9:40pm - Uh ""]
It's more or less like buying off ebay or amazon. The experience depends on who you're buying from.

Most people are pretty reasonable and good. Had a couple screw ups, but never got screwed over.
[Dec 13,2011 9:45pm - my_dying_bride ""]
i was just at that site before i came to this thread.

Ordered a bunch of times, one seller was painfully slow but other than that I love the place... though i think there are a lot of vinyl junkie burnouts that are selling off their overstock so expect some lazy sellers. However, these people know how to grade/ship vinyl so its better than some ebay hacks.

For the most part its like ebay, just check the feedback and either buy with confidence or take a gamble
[Dec 13,2011 11:26pm - ark  ""]
Good call.
[Dec 14,2011 6:58am - FAG IS SLAGHAT  ""]
I have bought 15 records from discogs and all of my transactions were smoother than an ass smoothie.

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