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Ladies and germs... I give you... ADULTJUGGALOS.NET

[Dec 15,2011 6:43pm - Sacreligion ""]

[Dec 15,2011 6:43pm - Sacreligion ""]

[Dec 15,2011 6:46pm - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]
Found my new daily entertainment. Juggalove was starting to get stale.
[Dec 15,2011 6:57pm - Sacreligion ""]
INB4 I start a profile as DeadICPBaby
[Dec 15,2011 7:13pm - Will Spanner  ""]
[Dec 15,2011 7:16pm - goatcatalyst ""]
This thread gon' git reaaaaal gooooooo
[Dec 15,2011 7:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]

[Dec 15,2011 8:05pm - largefreakatzero ""]
The "porn" section is the icing on the cake. Here's one for you:

[Dec 16,2011 12:59am - FIMSnlifuckyouasshole  ""]
[Dec 16,2011 1:04am - Eli_HHCB ""]
Thar be fire to kill it with then eh?
[Dec 16,2011 4:13pm - Will Spanner  ""]

I think I see a human ear in there
[Dec 16,2011 5:21pm - xgodzillax ""]
it looks like a 2 year old leave of iceberg lettuce..
[Dec 16,2011 5:22pm - Yeti ""]
it looks like a juggalette's vagina. there is no worse description.
[Dec 16,2011 5:24pm - xgodzillax ""]

Yeti said:it looks like a juggalette's vagina. there is no worse description.

Touche, sir
[Dec 16,2011 6:16pm - Lamp ""]
It looks like someone fingerpainted an ice cream cone.
[Dec 16,2011 6:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

xgodzillax said:it looks like a 2 year old leave of iceberg lettuce..

this description still makes me gag even without being able to see the image.
[Dec 16,2011 6:39pm - search feature troll  ""]
the faint linger of an empty sardine tin hovering around her cunt
[Dec 16,2011 6:51pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Dec 16,2011 7:03pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Dec 16,2011 8:50pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
This is one of the worst threads this board has ever seen.
[Dec 17,2011 8:14pm - Samantha ""]
OMG! They have blogs!



fuk dis shit... if it wornt 4 my babies id b outa this bitch called life... i fukin hate ppl.. im fukin str8 up 100 with every1 all the time... if ur guna talk 2 me.. just fukin b str8 with me... dont play a bunch of games and then get 2 oh i want some head... fukin say it up frunt so i dont think ur aktualy trying 2 b down with me.. so i no u just wana fuk. i mean FUK y cant ppl just do that?

So.... In plain English... She would kill herself if she didn't have kids, and she is mad because people act like they want to be friends with her instead of immediately asking for oral sex? I think my brain just exploded.
[Dec 17,2011 8:43pm - Burnsy ""]
Doesn't sound that unreasonable. Her online English is bad but I expected worse when I was reading the quote.
[Dec 17,2011 8:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
She should get a slot on The View.
[Dec 17,2011 10:14pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Dec 18,2011 12:20am - search feature troll  ""]
jewgalo niggalo faggalo cunt fuck fist fuck ass fuck the great milenkunt faggot nigger jew qiueer cunt
[Dec 18,2011 8:25am - the_reverend ""]
All these vaginas and dicks beg the question why do they exist...
[Dec 21,2011 10:42pm - Woah!_NLI!  ""]
[Dec 22,2011 2:12am - LucidCurse ""]
Does that stomach have a vagina?
[Dec 22,2011 8:51am - pam ""]
TIL: Juggalos has small penises. I'd always assumed as much, but now I have the mental trauma to prove it.
[Dec 22,2011 8:55am - arilliusbm ""]
Then theres that guy that puts the camera quite literally next to his cock so it gives the illusion it's monsterous.
Cockspective pictures = fail.

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