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Feb 16 (Thu) - POW Camp / Olneyville Sound System / Lolita Black / Lowlife / Pruf - Firehouse 13 (Providence, RI)

2/16 TONIGHT - POW Camp/Olneyville Sound System/Lolita Black/Lowlife/Pruf

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Feb 16,2012 6:08am - keynotecompany ""]
February 16, 2012

POW Camp

Olneyville Sound System

Lolita Black



Firehouse 13 - 41 Central Street - Providence, RI 02907
8:00 PM - $7 - All Ages

RSVP here:
[Feb 16,2012 9:02am - the_reverend ""]
there was already a thread about it and I was planning on going, but I have to pick up the little one back in NH.
[Feb 16,2012 8:20pm - keynotecompany ""]
Oh really? I didn't catch that haha. Good to know someone was on some extra promo!
[Feb 17,2012 1:52am - Lamp ""]
I stopped at this show on the way home from KC's Tap, some really bad rap group was performing (I guess POW Camp), so I just left immediately and came back home
[Feb 17,2012 10:53am - the_reverend ""]
I wished this show were tonight.
[Feb 19,2012 1:58am - keynotecompany ""]
Lamp - Yeah it was over by like 12:30.
Curfew is 1 A.M. there time some Providence shows tend to start right? ahha.
Small turnout, but good time for sure.

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