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Will Thundersteel wear mens clothing when Seax plays Ralphs this time?

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[Mar 27,2012 10:46pm - ThunderStool  ""]
[Mar 27,2012 10:48pm - ThunderStool  ""]
No need to vote. The answer is no.
[Mar 27,2012 11:18pm - Thundersteel ""]
I can confirm that the answer is most definitely no. I will be in full Ru Paul gear for Thursday's gig
[Mar 27,2012 11:42pm - thunderstool  ""]
[Mar 27,2012 11:49pm - Thunderstool  ""]
[Mar 27,2012 11:50pm - PandaStool  ""]
Panda STOOL sculpture^
[Mar 28,2012 8:57am - Thundersteel nli  ""]
I compensate for my receding hairline with my lush curly balding mullet. I know the ladies it because I always see them point and giggle when I walk by.
[Mar 28,2012 8:57am - Thundersteel nli  ""]
The ladies like it*
[Mar 28,2012 8:59am - the_reverend ""]
I hope not
[Mar 28,2012 9:55am - Samantha ""]
Be there or trolls will steal your thunder.

[Mar 28,2012 11:37am - thunderstool  ""]

Samantha said:Be there or trolls will STOOL your thunder.


[Mar 28,2012 11:38am - ThunderStool  ""]
[Mar 28,2012 12:03pm - Ronnie James Dio  ""]

Thundersteel%20nli said:I compensate for my receding hairline with my lush curly balding mullet. I know the ladies it because I always see them point and giggle when I walk by.


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