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Vod, Cromags,sick of it all show stopped when Harley stumbles in and gets stabby

[Jul 6,2012 9:17pm - the_reverend ""]

[Jul 6,2012 9:32pm - xgodzillax ""]
RIP Cro-Mags, Harley's War, etc...
[Jul 6,2012 11:40pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Now that's what I call a job application.
[Jul 7,2012 12:39am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
What is his major maaa-a-a-a-a-a-alfunction?
[Jul 7,2012 12:40am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jul 7,2012 12:59am - the_reverend ""]
2 stabby's is just overkill imho.
[Jul 7,2012 8:00am - demondave ""]
how about too bitey bitey?
[Jul 7,2012 10:05am - Crap Pyramid  ""]
Motherfuck if it is up to us to call out this motherfucker Harley on upcoming reunion show and beat down his ass with a 80 inch ride cymbal then we'll put the bratwurst up his ass goddamn

Reunion kick ass delusional riffs from bong laid southern meatfuck blackened stoner bong of brutal goddamn beatdown bitch
[Jul 7,2012 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
holy crap, that place is packed. It's weird to hear John give a speech without saying how old he is, that he is vegan, or how far he runs each day.


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